Stalin becomes leader
Period: to
Cold War
President Truman entered office
August 8 1945, Russia enters war against Japan
August 14 1945, Japanese surrender End of World War II
August 6 1945, United States first used atomic bomb in war
Churchill warns of iron Curtain
Berlin Blockade begins
July 1949, NATO ratified
February 1950 Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt
Stalin ends being leader
President Truman ended office
Vietnam lasted from 54-75
May 1955 Warsaw Pact was formed
November 1958 Khrushchev demands withdrawal of troops from Berlin
Berlin Wall begins
Berlin block turns into Berlin Wall -
President Kennedy entered being in office
Time Frame of the Cold War
U.S. involvement in Vietnam increased
President Kennedy got assinated in Dallas Texas
August 1968, Soviet troops crush Czechoslovakian revolt
In April 1970, President Nixon extends Vietnam War to Cambodia
In October 1973, Egypt and Syria attack Israel; Egypt requests Soviet aid
Berlin Wall ends
In December 1989, Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania; Soviet empire ends
In March 1990, Lithuania becomes independent
In May 1990, Boris Yeltsin elected to presidency of Russia
October 3, 1990 Germany reunited
April 1991 Warsaw Pact ends
August 1991, End of Soviet Union Cold War Ends