Lincolns highway
earliest highway built. to help start the travel across the nation -
Federal aid road act
To help maintain the highway and keep them in tact for as long as possible -
Route 1 created
The major north to south road. Runs parallel to 95. From maine to florida -
Federal aid highway act
The making of I-70
a major insterstate. Ran from baltimore to utah running through many main citites -
Highway beatification act
Cotrolled outdoor advertising. including removin certain types of signs that offended people or object. -
Congress entacts national maxium speed to 55 Mph
The made the national wide speed limit a low 55, which caused drama with the states vs confgress. States felt like the speed limit should be higher -
Nebraska first state to complete mainline of I-80
Seconds longest highway in the nation. a toll free highway the runs throught the rural areas -
coast to coast I-80 Sanfrancisco to New york
The orginal route of the interstate highway system. Considered the milestone of highway building -
Coast to coast California to florida
Fourth longest highway in the united states. Freeway to help connect california to florida, then connect california further on because of all the other highway in florida -
Coast to coast seattle to Washington DC
Power returned to states for setting speed limit
The states finally were able to decide the speed they was felt was neccasary in their area -
National highway system approximately 160,000
Today there are many highways, which help make places all the way across the nation seem closer then they really are -