Heroes of israel

Highlights of the Last Millennia

  • Period: Feb 22, 1040 to Jul 13, 1105


    The famous scholar Rashi creates his easy-to-read commentaries on the Torah. Supposedly he used them when teadhing Torah to his daughters.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1270

    The Crusades

    A series of "holy wars" fought to regain Jerusalem from the Muslims. Unfortunately the Crusades had a terrible impact on Jews throughout Europe, as many Christians decided to fight the non-believers in their own homes before heading east.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1138 to Dec 12, 1204


    Maimonides was born in Spain but fled harsh Muslim rulers and eventually wound up in Cairo. He worked as physician for the sultan, had his own practice, and also wrote numerous books and responsum on Judaism. Two of his well-known books include the Mishnah Torah and The Guide for the Perplexed.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Plague

    The Plague
    The Black Plague arrives in Europe. Ultimately decimating close to a third of the continent's population, the plague had a particularly negative consequence for the Jews. The Christians, noticing that not as many Jews were dying from the disease (due to Jewish ritual washing practices) began to suspect that the Jews themselves were spreading the disease. Many Jews were forced to leave their homes and some were even burned alive by people who believed this falsehood.
  • Jul 30, 1492

    Jews Expelled from Spain

    Jews Expelled from Spain
    Once the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had defeated the Muslims and united Spain, they decided to expell the Jews from the country. Jews had already been expelled from England, France (numerous times) and parts of Germany. Many Jews went to Portugal, but that country's ruler would expell all the Jews from his country in 1496.
  • Kabbalat Shabbat

    Kabbalat Shabbat
    Tzfat mystics began the tradition of the kabbalat service when they would celebrate the start of Shabbat in the town's fields. Lecha Dodi was written during this time period.
  • Period: to

    The Birth of Choice

    It was during the first half of the 19th century that the Reform, Conservative, and Modern Orthodox denominations of Judaism were born. The founders of the different denominations were responding to the challenges created by the increasing acceptance of Jews into secular society.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon becomes the emperor of France. During his reign he would conquer much of Europe. He also knocked down the ghetto walls and allowed Jews to mingle with secular society.
  • Theodor Herzl's The Jewish State

    Theodor Herzl's The Jewish State
    Herzl publishes The Jewish State. A pamphlet calling for the establishment of a Jewish state as the best way to end anti-Semitism. Over 50 years his dream becomes a reality.
  • Israel

    David Ben Gurion announces the creation of a Jewish state following the U.N.'s November vote to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Palestinian states.