High middle ages

High Middle Ages

  • 987

    Important Rulers (France): Hugh Capet, r. 987-996

    Important Rulers (France): Hugh Capet, r. 987-996
    -Officially elected Monarchy
    -Arranged that his son be "elected"
    -French monarchy becomes hereditary instead of elective
  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    The High Middle Ages

  • Period: 1050 to 1080

    Growth of Papal Power

  • 1059

    Growth of Papal Power :1059

    -Church Council announces Popes will be selected by the College of Cardinals
    -Clerical Marriages declared invalid
    -Clerical celibacy re-imposed
  • 1073

    Growth of Papal Power: Pope Gregory VII (r. 1073- 1088)

    Growth of Papal Power: Pope Gregory VII (r. 1073- 1088)
    -Gregorian Reform
    -Initiates Papal primacy
    -Pope is head of the church, above all other clergy
    -Pope is also above nobles, Kings, and Emperors
  • 1084

    Growth of Papal Power: Henry VI (r. 1084-1105)

    Growth of Papal Power: Henry VI (r. 1084-1105)
    -Political confrontation between the Pope and Emperor
    -Pope excommunicates the Emperor
    -Emperor captures the Pope, but the Pope dies while in captivity
  • 1096

    Warfare: First Crusade 1096-1099

    Warfare: First Crusade  1096-1099
    -Conquest for Jerusalem
    -Catholic holy was against Islam
  • 1122

    Growth of Papal Power: Concordat of Worms

    Growth of Papal Power: Concordat of Worms
    -Pronounced "verms"
    -was a treaty with the Pope
    -Recognized Bishops as temporal leaders as well as church leaders
  • 1122

    Important Rulers (France): Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1122-1204

    Important Rulers (France): Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1122-1204
    -Wife of King Louis XII of France and King Henry II of England
    -Wealthy by her own right
    - Mother to Richard I and John
  • 1123

    Growth of Papal Power: First Lateran Council

    Growth of Papal Power: First Lateran Council
    -Gathering of 300 Bishops and more than 600 Abbots in Rome
    -Called upon by Pope Callixtus II
    -Clarified the separation of spiritual and temporal affairs
  • 1147

    Warfare: Second Crusade 1147-1149

    Warfare: Second Crusade 1147-1149
    -A complete failure
    -Was a response to the fall of Edessa in 1144
  • 1154

    Important Rulers (England): Henry II 1154-1189

    Important Rulers (England): Henry II 1154-1189
    -Created the Circuit court system, case law, trial by jury and indictment jury
    -Blamed and publicly punished for the murder of Thomas Beckett, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury (1118-1170)
  • 1189

    Warfare: Third Crusade 1189-1192

    Warfare: Third Crusade 1189-1192
    -Known as the Kings' Crusade
    -Fought by King Richard the Lionhearted, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip Augustus of France, and Saladin
    -An attempt to recapture Jerusalem
  • 1199

    Important Rulers (England): King John 1199-1216

    Important Rulers (England): King John 1199-1216
    -Brother of Richard the Lion- Heart
    -Signed the Magna Carta, A charter of English liberties, created to make peace between the King and a group of rebel barons
    -Created Scutage, A payment by the nobles to the Monarch in lieu of personal service
  • 1202

    Warfare: Fourth Crusade 1202-1204

    Warfare: Fourth Crusade  1202-1204
    -Pope Innocent II calls for another crusade
    -Results in the sacking of Constantinople
  • 1226

    Important Rulers (France): Louis IX, r. 1226-1270

    Important Rulers (France): Louis IX, r. 1226-1270
    -Establishes reliable coinage
    -Prohibits private warfare among the nobles
    -Beloved by his people