Hidden Figures: Historical Timeline

  • American Civil war

    American Civil war
    The American Civil War was between the north and the south (United states and The Confederate states) and it was all due to different views on state rights and slavery. This war lasted 4 years going from 1861-1865.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Basically a set of laws that were enforced in 1876 to execute racial segregation in the south. Most of the laws were along the lines of not allowing the two races to interact.
  • Wright Brothers First Powered Flight

    Wright Brothers First Powered Flight
    Wilbur and Orville Wright (The Wright Brothers) made four successful but brief flights at Kitty Hawk. On December 17th 1903 they had invented the first ever working airplane.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    The great depression started in 1929 and continued on till 1939, it was a econmic crisis. Starting in the United States and quickly spreading throughout much of the world. Lots of people were out of work leaving them hungry and homeless and the people in the city would stand in endless lines at soup kitchens for something to eat.
  • The fair Employment Practice Committee

    The fair Employment Practice Committee
    The fair Employment Practice Committee was made on June 25th by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which ensured employment of workers on a basis of equality without discrimination or segregation especially because of race, color, or creed.
  • Tuskegee Airmen

    Tuskegee Airmen
    The Tuskegee Airmen was the name for a group of African-American military pilots who contribuited in the war (world war 2.) . They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The cold war happened during 1947-1991, it was a long period of tension between the democracies of the Western World and the communist countries of Eastern Europe.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights Movement happened during 1954-1968 and was a struggle by African Americans to achieve Civil Rights equal to those of whites, including equal opportunity in employment, housing, and education, as well as the right to vote, the right of equal access to public facilities.
  • Launch of Project Mercury

    Launch of Project Mercury
    The Launch of project Mercury happened during 1958 and was the NASA program that put the first American astronauts in space. Astronauts made a total of six spaceflights during Project Mercury. Two of those flights reached space and came right back down.
  • Greensboro sit-ins

    Greensboro sit-ins
    The Greensboro sit-ins happened during the year of 1960 and was a series of nonviolent protests in Greensboro, North Carolina, which led to the Woolworth department store chain removing its policy of racial segregation in the Southern United States.