Hidden Figures Historical Timeline

  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    A war between the Northern and Southern United States.This battle happened in South Carolina, South Eastern United States.The war began due to issues of slavery. United States of America fought the Confederate States of America in battle. The war began on April 12th in 1861 and lasted till 1865.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    It was written by Abraham Lincoln. Was a Proclamation for freeing slaves from rebelious states.
  • Jim Crow Laws

     Jim Crow Laws
    The Jim Crow Laws were a set of rules used to encourage racial segregation. These laws happened in United States. Jim Crow And The Racist Community were the ones who established these laws. They were made to to take away the rights the African Americans gained during the reconstruction. They were established during 1865 - 1866.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression was a time where was a high quantity of jobless, homeless and poor people. Great Depression began due to stock market crash in 1929. Happened in the United States of America. The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until 1936. Herbert Hoover was president during this time, and many blamed him for these dark times.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World War 2 was a war between 61 countries. Including Germany, Canada, USA, Great Britain and many more. WWI was actually one of the causes of WWII. After Germany had lost WWI, hatred and resentment had brewed and Germany was left in economic crisis. Germans had now developed a general hate towards the rest of the world, and so elected Hitler as their president. Battles took place in Africa, Europe and Asia. There were also many sea battles involving the Navy.
  • D-Day

    The war involved the Nazi Party vs the United Nations, consisting of the United Kingdom, US, Canada, and many more. The Beaches of Normandy was where it took place and it refers to five different beaches that the Allied Forces used as landing points. The Invasion of Normandy was the beginning of the Allied Forces efforts to liberate Europe of Nazi control during World War II. It was the largest aquatic attack in human history.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    America and the Soviet Union were the two major countries involved. The Cold War was a political war over capitalism and communism. The Cold War began after WWII in 1947 and ended around 1991. The war began due too rising tensions between US and Soviet Union. Happened in mostly western Europe and Asia.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    Martin Luther King led the movement. Originally from South Africa, he immigrated to America in his 20's. This was an act against racism and the ability for equal rights. The southern states mostly, (Texas, Louisianna, etc.) though it was pushed north as far as what is now New York City. The act took shape right after the great depression. This one is quite obvious. The African Americans were not happy with the way they were being treated, so in attempt to change society, they rebelled.