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Hidden Figures Historical Timeline

  • 1903: Wright Brothers first powered flight

    1903: Wright Brothers first powered flight
    The wright brothers Wilbur and Orville invented the first powered aircraft on december 17 1903 in North Carolina.
  • 1915: Federal Government National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

    1915: Federal Government National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
    The national advisory committee for aeronautics or better known as NACA. The name NASA would later be created because of the space race between the USA and Soviet Union on July 29 1958.
  • 1929-1939:The Great Depression

    1929-1939:The Great Depression
    The great depression all started with black Thursday this is the day that every investor in America sold approximately 16 million shares all at once just before the stock market crash. This 10 year span sent all of America in a severe state of poverty. Between 1929 and 1939 could be considered the worst decade in Northern American history.
  • 1935: The Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory establishes first female computing pool

    1935: The Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory establishes first female computing pool
    The first women to work in the computing pool of NASA was a group of 400 in 1935. This first happened at NASA's Langley research centre in Hampton, Virgina. The women working here were extremely accelerated in mathematics. This was unheard of at the time.
  • May 1943: The Langley Memorial Laboratory establishes the first segregated computing pool for black women

    May 1943: The Langley Memorial Laboratory establishes the first segregated computing pool for black women
    In may of 1943 the Langley research centre established the first segregated labratory for NASA. These were the first black women to particeapate in the space race between U.S and soviet union.
  • 1955: Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat in the front of a public bus

    1955: Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat in the front of a public bus
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to the white man, back then the buses were segregated in black and white. This happened in Montgomery, Alabama white people were very against black people and the black were punished for thier skin and their rules.
  • 1957: Soviet Union launched Sputnik, and the dawn of the Space Age begins

    1957: Soviet Union launched Sputnik, and the dawn of the Space Age begins
    When the soviet union launch spunk it was revolutionary because it was the very first artificial satellite. This shocked America which led to the space race between U.S.A and the soviet union.
  • 1958: Space Act creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    1958: Space Act creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    Because of the newly started space race, the U.S.A started NASA to compete with the soviet union by transforming NACA to NASA. The NACA was like an earlier version of NASA.
  • 1961: Ham, the first chimp to be launched into space

    1961: Ham, the first chimp to be launched into space
    Ham was the name of the first chimp sent into space by NASA. When the monkey returned it died on impact. Ham was purchased at a bird farm in Miami, Florida.
  • 1969: Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin become the first humans to land on the moon

    1969: Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin become the first humans to land on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin were the first to land on the moon which won the space race for the U.S.A there mission name was Apollo 11. After blasting off they arrived 4 days later on the moon. They launched at Kennedy Space Center wear this revolyoinary event took place.