• Dorothy is Hired

    Dorothy is Hired
    Dorothy Vaughan gets a job at NACA at Langley Research Center in Virginia in the West Computing Group
  • Dorothy gets Promoted

    Dorothy Vaughan finally gets her wish to obtain the position of a supervisor at the West Computing Group at Langley.
  • Mary gets a Job

    At the age of 20, Mary Jackson was recruited to work at NACA Langley Research Center in the West Computing Group
  • Mary becomes an Engineer

    Mary becomes an Engineer
    Mary Jackson becomes the first black woman engineer to work at NACA
  • Katherine is Hired

    Katherine is Hired
    Katherine Johnson accepted a job offer at NACA Langley Research Center for her outstanding mathematical ability
  • Sputnik 1 is Launched

    Sputnik 1 is Launched
    The USSR beats America to a significant milestone in the Space Race as they launch the first satellite into space
  • IBM is Introduced

    IBM is Introduced
    The IBM machine is introduced at Langley, cutting back on the amount of time needed for calculations and increasing efficiency majorly
  • Mary Attends Classes at an All-White High School

    Mary Jackson completed courses necessary to become an engineer at the Hampton High School, which was only for whites at the time
  • First US Satellite in Space

    First US Satellite in Space
    The US successfully launches Explorer 1 into space, marking the first American successful satellite launch
  • NACA becomes NASA

    The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) becomes the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • Katherine Co-Authors a Report

    Katherine became the first woman to have her name receiving credit for a paper she helped author
  • Katherine Calculates Freedom 7 Path

    Katherine Calculates Freedom 7 Path
    Katherine Johnson played a major role in doing the calculations that got Freedom 7, the aircraft that carried Alan Shepard, into space
  • Alan Shepard Goes to Space

    Alan Shepard Goes to Space
    Alan Shepard becomes the first American to reach space
  • Katherine Calculates Apollo 11 Path

    Katherine does work in the calculations for the Apollo 11 spaceflight, the mission that put the first man on the moon
  • Neil Armstrong Lands on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong Lands on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to set foot on the moon, marking a huge win for the United States in the Space Race against the Soviets
  • Mary Reaches the Top of Engineering

    Mary Jackson obtains the highest position available in the engineering department at NASA