German Gymnastics Introduced To The United States
Charles Beck introduced Jahn's gymnastic program of exercise to his students at Round Hill School. He then went on to start the first school gymnastics program and then organized exercise classes for Harvard University. -
Founding Of YMCA
The first YMCA is founded in 1844. The YMCA was founded due to the growth of physical education as well as the interest in gymnastics and other health-promoting activities. -
First Intercollegiate Competition
In 1852 a crew race between Harvard And Yale occurred. This becomes the first college sports competition, which leads to even more in the future. -
Organized PE Starts In Schools
Organized P.E classes begins to appear as part of the curriculum in elementary and secondary schools. California was the first state to require schools to offer physical education. This is due to the greater value of physical education. -
AAU Forms
The National Association of Amateur Athletics develops, which the American Athletic Union forms. The AAU plays a huge role in the United States participation in the Olympics. -
AAPE Forms
The Association for the Advancement of Physical Education was founded for others to learn about teaching physical education from each other. This organization was the forerunner of the AAHPERD. -
First Modern Olympics
The first modern Olympics are held in Athens, Greece. Participation was limited to males and only contained 28 events within 4 sports in total. -
Playground Association of America Forms
In 1906 the PAA forms, which aims to promote the development of urban and rural playgrounds. By 1930 the Playground Association evolves into the National Recreation Association. -
Degrees In P.E
Teachers College of Columbia University offers first doctoral degrees in Physical Education. This leads to other programs developing rapidly, -
The Principals Of Physical Education Book
The Principals Of Physical Education Book is published, which emphasizes beliefs about unity of mind and body. Also argued that P.E should be included within school curriculum. The book was written by Jesse F. Williams. -
The Great Depression and P.E
The Great Depression occurs in 1929, which leads to school budgets being cut back from P.E programs. An estimated 40% of programs were dropped completely from schools. -
National Association of College Athletics Forms
Interscholastic athletic programs grow an create slight educational problems. The National Association of Intercollegiate Basketball was established in 1940 to provide an association for smaller colleges. Then merges into the National Association of College Athletics in 1952. -
Federation of Sports Medicine Forms
11 physicals founds the group, because as sports programs expanded and participation increased, qualified individuals were needed to to treat injured athletes. -
PEPI Begins
The Physical Education Public forms to inform the public, and policy makers and educators about the value of physical education. -
NCAA Implements Title XI Rules
NCAA helps ratify Title 9, which promotes equality and prevents sexual discrimination in sport. This give women equality when it comes down to all aspects of sporting events within the NCAA. -
NCAA Merges With The AIAW To Become Women's Athletics Governing Body
After working with the AIAW for 3 years previous, the AIAW and the NCAA merge to create one governing body for women's college athletics. This signifies the end of women colligate athletics having their own governing body. -
Olympics Switch To Two Year Rotation
The Olympic Committee decides to move the Olympics to a two year rotation instead of both the summer and winter Olympics happening during the same calendar year. This was done to increase viewership for the winter games as well as give fans more spread out content, -
Olympics And The Paralympics
The Olympic Committee announces that countries that host the Olympics are require to also host the Paralympics within a calendar year of the Olympics ending. The committee also added that the same venues should be used. -
NCAA Adds Image And Likeness Rule
NCAA votes to allow select student-athletes to benefit off of use of name and image and likeness. First way a student athlete can be “paid” for athletics. Rule is still in discussion today and has not yet been implemented. -
NCAA Transfer Rule
The NCAA announces that after a vote, school have allowed for student-athletes to be able to talk to other schools about a potential transfer without notifying their coach or athletic director. Previously athletes would have to ask before contracting other schools.