A significant day in my life as i developed a huge amount physically and continue to physically develop to this day. It can also tie in with emotional development as it was the first moment my family and I were together and started a strong bond that still occurs today. -
First Day of School
The first day of kindergarten also marks the day I met my best friend who i still have today. Social development occurs in this stage in my life as it is the first time i'm completely immersed in kids my own age and forced to socialize within them. This is the beginning of a huge amount of intellectual development as well because it is the beginning of school for the next 14/15 years or even more. -
Started Playing Soccer
I started playing soccer when I was about 6 and still play to this day. Throughout the years, soccer has contributed to my physical development keeping me healthy and in shape. I think sports or some form of physical activity is important to children while growing up to avoid child obesity and help motivate kids when they get older. From all of the years I've played soccer i truly value all of the friendships I've made as well as the physical development. -
First Family Pet
In the summer of 2006 we got a new golden retriever puppy named Sam. This develops myself emotionally and intellectually. No one truly understands the bond between animals, although it seems silly, unless you've experienced it yourself. It also developed myself into a more responsible person as it is the first time i must take care of a living creature. -
Broken Wrist
In the summer of 2007 I broke my first, but not last bone from playing soccer. This was not only a physical development but an emotional as well. Having a broken bone in the summer and not being able to play soccer left me upset and emotional throughout the summer. Physical development occurs during the time it took to heal and get stronger so i could eventually play soccer again. -
Family Vacation
Although this isn't the first family vacation, it is definitely the most memorable. In March 2008, my family and I took a trip to the Dominican Republic. It was not only a vacation but a learning experience as well. We took a trip outside of the resort which showed us a local city and some typical Dominican families. This made me realize the different cultures and how I take many things for granted. This developed me intellectually by teaching me these things. -
Moved to Kitchener
Moving away from a place that you call home is extremely emotional and hard. The move was the most I've developed emotionally in my life so far. I had to leave my best friends and make new ones in a place where i felt i didn't belong. Which also ties into social development with all of the new relationships that could potentially occur. Moving also made me realize the effort staying in touch takes and how a friendship can still happen even long distance. -
High School
High School in general is the most i've developed as a person, in my opinion. Socially, I have developed into a different person for the better. I feel I've found a great group of friends I feel comfortable with which i havent felt in a long time. I also feel that joining school teams & clubs have decreased my shyness toward peers. Intelectually I've developed a lot as everyday i'm learning new things and developing so I am able to move on to post-secondary and a job that I enjoy in the future. -
Death of a Relative
When my grandpa passed away in December 2011, it was an extremely emotional time for everyone in my family. This was a time in which our whole family had to cope and learn to move past grief for his sake. Although death is an extremely sad time in life, I think that I have developed a lot emotionally and made me into a stronger person. -
First Job
Having a job can be rewarding, and stressful at the same time. I've developed socially by learning how to treat customers and not get discouraged. I've also developed new relationships with coworkers which is rewarding along with the pay check. I've learned a lot about how to manage time and money with work, school and sports which has shaped me into a more mature person. I think having a job is important by the way it shapes young adults to be mature and ready for the working world ahead. -
Drivers License
This is an extremely important day in my life as it gave me a sense of freedom and the ability to go places whenever I wanted. This is a cognitive development as it is the start of being more independent and learning how to be mature and responsible.