I was born on October 25, 1996 in Grand River Hospital, Kitchener, Ontario. This was a big milestone for me because this is what started my life. (Literally) -
Period: to
Age: Birth - 2 years old
- Learning words
- Learning to crawl/walk
- Understanding enviroment
- Learning basic words -
Period: to
Early Childhood
Age: 2 -5 years old
- Starting to go to school
- Making new friends
- Learning to read/write
- Brain development -
When I was 5 years old, I started taking Ballet lessons. This milestone changed me physically because it increased my flexibility and strength. This milestone was also a cognitive change because it improved my memory (remembering choreography) and helped me focus on things better. -
Period: to
Middle & Late childhood
Age: 6 - 11 years old
- Motor skills improved
- Physical activity (Gymnastics, Dance, etc)
- Language improves
- Pet responsibility
- Sleeping patterns change -
Learned to Swim
When I was 6 years old I started to learn how to swim. This milestone changed me physically because I am now able to use this skill to go to different places and try different things. (ie: swim teams, the beach, underwater activities, etc.) -
Piano festival
On June 24, 2004 I went to a music festival for playing piano and I won my first trophy. This event changed me emotionally because I felt accomplished and proud for winning something by myself. -
My first pet
When I was 7 years old, I got my first pet which was a teddy bear hamster named Smartie. This milestone changed me cognitively and emotionally because it taught me how to care for an animal, and it also taught me about death, which was the first time I experienced the feel of grief. -
Period: to
Age: 11 - 21 years old
- Puberty (Weight/Height)
- Driver's license
- Graduated elementary, middle, and high school
- Identity vs. Role Confusion
- Independence - Taking on more responsibility -
On August 30, 2008 I was changed intellectually and emotionally because this was the day I got my cats. This milestone was an intellectual change because it taught me about responsibility, whether it was to feed my cats, change their litter box, etc. This also changed me emotionally because I never felt alone or sad because they would always keep me company. -
Annual Family trip
My annual family trips have been a social change in my life because it expands my knowledge/outlook on the world and how different types of cultures live their life differently. This yearly milestone also helps me become closer with my family because we spend valuable time together which helps us socially. -
First day of High School
On September 7, 2010, I started my first day of high school, which changed me socially, intellectually, and emotionally. This milestone changed me socially because I was in a whole new enviroment with many different types of people, which was a new but great experience. This milestone changed me intellectually because there were many choices of courses to pick, and there were testings.. This milestone has also changed me emotionally because I dealt with more stress. (Exams, deadlines, etc) -
Leadership (Student Activities Council)
In tenth grade (Second semester) I joined Student Activities Council, which changed me intellectually and socially. I was changed intellectually by this milestone because I learned how much work was put into planning a school event and working together as a team. This milestone also has changed me socially because I did not know anyone in the beginning, however, as we started working together, we started to progress more as a team and they became more like family, which expanded my social group. -
Prom will be a milestone held in the future. I think this will be an emotional and social change because it will be one of the last events/dances in high school, which means that it might be the last time everyone sees each other. This will be an emotional change because everyone will be excited to dress up and see each other. -
In September 2014, I will be starting the next chapter/education of my life which is University. This milestone will be an intellectual change for me because I will be learning brand new things in new surroundings. This milestone will also be a social change because I will be meeting new people and I will be able to experience being in a new atmosphere. -
This future milestone will be an emotional change because I will no longer be in the same enviroment that I have been in for 4 years, and I will have to say good-bye to all the amazing people I have met throughout the years. -
I hope to start my career when I finish University. I plan to be a Marriage/Family therapist which will be an Emotional, Intellectual/Cognitive, and Social change because this career deals with talking to many different types of people of all lifestyles/backgrounds of all different forms of emotions.