This is the day I was born and the first development that I developed would be emotional. As soon as I was born my mother and I created a an emotional bond that is still as strong today. -
First year wearing glasses
Throughout my life I had many eye problems that included a estigmitsm, lazy eye and far sighted. This making me have to wear glasses and a patch trying to strengthen my eyes. This is physcial development because I had to learn to always wear my glasses in order for me to see. Slowly my eyes would get better after visiting many eye doctor appointments and having to wear my glasses -
Eye Surgery
During this event, because my eyes were not responding as well to wearing glasses as my eye doctor wanted them to I had to get eye surgery. I would consider this an emotional development because I had to over come a fear that I did not want to when I was so young. Also, it could be intellectual learning because I did not uderstand why it was occurring and I had to have an operation. I soon learned after my surgery that it helped my eyes become stronger and fix my "lazy eye" -
First year of Soccer
During this event, it was the first year that my parents put me in soccer and I loved it. It can be emotional development because as soon as I scored my first goal I fell in love with the game of soccer and couldn't stop playing it. Even to this day it is my passion that I don't plan to stop. Also it could be social development because I met many new kids that I played soccer with. Every year I met many new people who soon became my friends. -
Coming to High School
After graduating middle school and coming to high school can be both a social and intellectual development. It was first a social development because many of my friends now I did not know before high school and I had to meet many new people when I first came. How it can be an intellectual development is, I learned a lot of stuff I did not know before both education but also through sports. I learned many new things since I graduated grade school. -
Switching cities for Soccer
When I first started playing competitive soccer I started playing in Kitchener but as the time went on I decided to switch cities because I wanted more competition. This can be an intellectual development because I learned many new things after I switched and became a stronger player. Also, it can be a social development as well as I met many new girls that I soon grew to love and they became part of my life I could not live without. -
Meeting my columbian best friend
The first year we had an exhcnage student live with me she was from columbia and soon became my best friend and felt like my sister. This first started off as a social development because we met each other first the first time and soon it turned into an emotional development. I grew a love for her as she became part of my family. When she left it was very emotional and even though she lives half way across the world now we still keep in touch and she comes to visit me every summer. -
Getting my license
This day was one of my milestones because it gave me the freedom to go wherever when I needed to and I didn't need to go with my mom anymore. This can be an intellectual development because you are learning the rules of the road and what you have to do in order to drive properly. This could also be an emotional deveolment because I was very nervous before I started my test but once I found out I passed I was very happy and the stress was lifted off of my shoulders. -
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Volunteering at kidsabiltity
During this timespan I met many intellectual kids but also very fun kids. The kids at this camp had a wide variety of disabilities like autism, physical deisabilities,etc. This can be intellectual becaue I learned many things from the kids like never take life to seriously and always smile. They put me in a good mood always and I loved working witht the kids making this also an emotional development. I enjoyed it very much and keep wanting to do it every summer. -
Best Friends Moms death
During this event, one of my moms passed from pancreatic cancer. It was a huge event in my life as she was not only my best friends mom but a soccer mom. She grew very close to me but also our team. This an emotional development because we all had to find the strength in us to be there for my best friend but to also pick myself back up. We all found the strength to be there for when she needed us the most. -
Brothers wedding
During this event it can be many different developments. The first development is emotional because it was a happy time and we were accepting now his wife into our family. Also, it can be social development because both of our families were coming together and most of her family is out of town so we were meeting them for the first time and it was a great wedding! -
Appendix Surgery
During this event, I was kept in the hospital for five days I had bad abdominal pain and the doctors did not know what was wrong. After surgery the doctors realized I had an inflammed appendix. This could be emotional development because it was a frustrating time to go through as I was in so much pain and the doctors did not know what was wrong and I had to learn to wait and know that the doctors were working as hard as they could to fix my pain.