By jovana
  • My birth

    My birth
    Of course I would have to say my birth is a very big milestone, if it wasn't for my parents, Tatjana and Nenad Magazin, I wouldn't be here today. It all started this day
  • First words

    An intellectual milestone in my life is when I said my first words, they were; mom, dad and grandma. Since then my vocabulary has expanded and a great example of this has been me speaking fluently in both Serbian and English. I started reading at the age of 4, this helped me greatly when school started and it still does. With the wide range of vocabulary in different books, I'm able to expand my intellect in writting.
  • First steps

    A physical milestone in my life is the day I took my first steps. Being able to walk has been very beneficial in my life. I am able to participate in everyday activities and sports, such as running, soccer, volleyball etc.
  • First trip to Serbia

    First trip to Serbia
    Although I do not remember my first trip to Serbia, my mom has told me about it. This trip was the first time I met my grandparents and my uncle (mother's brother) that mean so much to me. From my more recent trips to Serbia, my love for "home" has grown. To me everything in Serbia is so much more warm and welcoming. This milestone is psychological and emotional because it makes me look at my life here and how different it is from how my life could be there
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    This milestone covers all aspects of life. The new setting resulted in me becoming more socially and intellectually developed. I was exposed to many friendships between friends, teachers, classmates etc. It educated me and prepared me for further schooling
  • Uncle's death

    Uncle's death
    The death of my mother's one and only brother was very heart breaking even for me. The two of us had a very special bond. I remember him calling me each brithday at 6am, to be the first to say happy birthday. Since his death I feel like something is missing each and every day. His death impacted me greatly. This emotional milsetone was like an emotional rollercoaster for me
  • Sister's birth

    Sister's birth
    The day my sister was born, was one of the most happiest days of my life. My sister and I have a relationship like no other. She's my best friend. Because Ana was born with down syndrome this milestone was emotional and intellectual because I had to learn how to accept the fact that there was another baby in the house that needed attention and I had to learn to help take care of her
  • First house in Canada

    The day I moved into my first house in Canada was a physical, social and emotional milestone. My enviroment changed, I was forced to leave behind the building that I grew up in and to also leave friends
  • Grandma died

    Grandma died
    The death of my grandma was much like my uncle's. The two of us weren't as close but it still hurt me to see my mother in pain and grieving
  • Principal's award for student leadership

    Principal's award for student leadership
    Recieveing the Principal's award for student leadership was a great achievement of mine. I feel that it has inspired me to continue being a leader. My social group is very aware of my bold leadership ways and they also try to act the same
  • Discovering I have scoliosis

    Discovering I have scoliosis
    Finding out that i have scoliosis was a scary thing for me. The last thing I wanted was to have to wear my brace to school. I didn't want to be looked at weirdly, especially for my first year in highschool. This physical milestone affected me and til this day still does. I'm restricted from doing certain things and faced with pain most of the time
  • First day in highschool

    First day in highschool
    The first day of highschool was a physical, social, intellectual and emotional milestone. Along with my environment changing, my friends and I went to different schools (I made new eventually) we were forced to learn at a higher level and to associate with a lot more students
  • Starting Serbian dance

    Starting Serbian dance
    Joining folklor was a fun and social milestone. I made a lot of friends and learned a lot about my culture music/dance wise
  • Grade 8 Graduation

    Grade 8 Graduation
    Grade 8 grad was a intellectual and social step up. After graduating with honours roll, I was on my way to becoming a more mature teenager and being surrounded by new things
  • Summer co-op award

    Summer co-op award
    Getting this framed certificate from my co-op manager was a milestone in my life because I was very proud of myself. I spent my summer doing the accounting for my church and learned a lot throughout the process
  • Getting my G2

    Getting my G2
    Getting my license meant I was a "free bird." My independence, responsibility, and social acceptance had further developed.