Tim tebow

Hero Project

  • hero free write

    i answered the four questions that were put up on the smart board
  • Roy Benavidez

    we read about Roy and his heroic actions to save his friends.
  • interview with Kristi Quillen

    We listened to an interview with kristi, a peace corp volunteer.
  • Project

    this was the day that we got our assigment and recieved the guidlines.
  • Research

    we were in the library doing research. we had to find a book on our hero.
  • library

    we were in the library again. we researched our heoes and looked for articles about them.
  • Change the world powerpoint

    we categorized people into different categories of heroes.
  • change the world powerpoint

    another perspectice- John Mayer; this song gave us a different idea of a hero. this i felt was more the opposite because he was waiting and not doing anything about it liberty mutual; this commercial was another view of a hero. this was more of doing the right thing
  • blog due

    ist blog post is due
  • change the world powerpoint

    we are the youth of today- this song talked about our generation needs to be the change and we need to be heroes. i think we can do it if we put our minds to it we are the people we have been waiting for- this is the same song but it adds problems. it makes you think about what can be done to fix these issues
  • Interview help

    our technologist came in to class to help us with any questions about our interviews
  • poem with didls

    we used didls to analyze a poem
  • Poetry

    We leaarned about poetry and took an AP practice quiz.
  • 2nd blog post due

    The heores in literature blog was due today. this blog was used to evaluate our definition of a hero. we also talked about the heroes in books. this blog helped me narrow my definition of a hero and find better examples of heroes. i got a 100 on this blog post.
  • DEAR

    All class period we read our biographies. i finished my book.
  • First Chapter Monday

    Today, we shared a chapter of a book to the class. i shared a section about Tebow writing bible verses on his eye black. i thought it represented his strong religious faith. his aith was one of the reasons i chose Tim to be my hero, so i thought this was an appropriate passage.
  • poetry

    today we started to analyze "A Blessing". we used DIDLS to help organize the information.
  • Poetry

    We continued to analyze the poem but we used a sheet to help us. this sheet helped because it was a guidline of what to look for in the poem.
  • Poetry

    Today, we took an AP quiz over the poem. Some of the questions were difficult. it gave me a guide of what to look for in the poem for our test on Wednseday.