Dec 13, 1553
Henry IV Birth Date
Henry was born on December the 13th of the year 1553 and lived to 56 years old -
Jun 9, 1572
Henry's Adolescence and his mother's death date
Was born and raised in Pau, France the capital of the joint Kingdom of Navarre. Was baptised as a roman catholic as a baby, but was raised as a Protestant by his mother Queen Joan III of Navarre. -
Aug 24, 1572
King of Navarre
Following right after his mother's death he was crowned "King Of Navarre" from 1572 all the way until 1589 when his term ended. -
Henry IV Gain of Power and death of previous king "Henry III"
The death of Henry III was on the day of August 2nd, 1589 right after the death "Henry of Navarre," was crowned new king. -
Henry IV's Assassination
Was assassinated by a mentally disturbed 32-year old of the name François Ravaillac. -
Louis XIV Birth
Death of Louis XIII
Death of previous king of France -
Louis XIV Declared of Age
Declared of eligible age to compete as King. -
Louis XIV Crowning
Louis is crowned as King of France