Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine

  • Mar 5, 1133

    Henry II is born

    Henry II is born
  • Period: Mar 5, 1133 to Jul 6, 1189

    Life of Henry II

  • Jan 12, 1135

    Stephen as King

    Stephen as King
    Stephen takes the thrown when Henry I dies, even though his cousin Matilda (Henry II's mother) was the heiress.
  • Jan 12, 1147

    Henry as a child

    Henry as a child
    At the age of 14, without his parents consent, Henry hired a group of mercenaries and sailed to England. Once he got to England he was unable to take the two castles he was after and had to find refuge with his mother. Without the funds for Henry to pay off the mercenaries or sail home he asked King Stephen for money. Stephen paid him the money and sent him on his way.
  • Sep 7, 1151


    Henry became Duke of Normandy and Anjou.
  • May 18, 1152

    Henry is married

    Henry is married
    At the age of 19, Henry marries Eleanor of Aquitaine. Henry saw their wedding as an advancement in society. Because of Eleanor Henry became much more powerful and much wealthier.
  • Aug 17, 1153

    First son William is born.

    First son William is born.
    Died at age 2 from seizures.
  • Dec 12, 1153

    Treaty of Westminster

    A treaty recognized Stephen to be King until his death and for Henry II to be his sucessor.
  • Oct 26, 1154

    Became King!

    Became King!
    When Stephen died Henry became King. He also met Thomas Beckett who becomes a crucial part of Henry's life later on.
  • Jan 12, 1155

    Beckett becomes Chancellor

    Beckett becomes Chancellor
    Appointed by Henry II with hopes he could get Beckett on his side.
  • Feb 28, 1155

    Henry is born

    Henry is born
    Known as young King Henry. He was the first to survive infancy and was officially King of England along with being Duke of Normandy, Count of Anjou and Maine. Henry II made young Henry King at age 15 and he reigned for 13 years.
  • Jan 13, 1156


    Married Henry the Lion and became Duchess of Saxony and later Bavaria.
  • Sep 8, 1157


    Richard known as Richard the Lionhart for his great military leader and warrior. At the age of 16 he was commanding his own army. Eventually became King in 1189, after his father's death, for 10 years.
  • Sep 23, 1158

    Geoffrey II

    Geoffrey II
    Geoffrey only served as Duke of Brittany for five years and was never King.
  • Jan 12, 1162

    Beckett becomes Archbisop

    Beckett becomes Archbisop
    Henry thought it would be a good idea for Beckett to be Archbishop because he saw it as another advance in society. He thought he would be able to take control over the church. Unfortunately for Henry, Beckett took this newly appointed role very seriously and when Henry wanted changes made Beckett did not give in.
  • Oct 13, 1162


    Elearnor was Queen of Castile and Toledo as the wife of Alfonso VIII of Castile.
  • Jan 12, 1163

    Met Rosamond

    Met Rosamond
    When Rosamond was only 13 years he met her most likely whenhe passed Clifford Castle during one of his campaigns in Wales.
  • Jan 30, 1164

    Conflict among friends

    Constituion of Clarendon was a document stating Henry II's power over the church. Beckett and the bishops denied the King the power defined in the Constitution creating conflict between Beckett and the King. By the end of 1164 Henry had Beckett exiled because of the extreme conflict.
  • Oct 13, 1165


    Married King William II of Sicily
  • Jan 12, 1166

    The affair begins

    It is believed that while Eleanor was pregnant with Henry's final son he believed his famous affair with 16 year old Rosamond Clifford. It has been noted that Rosamond was Eleanor's opposite and that Henry and Rosamond shared a deep love.
  • Dec 24, 1166


    Served as King for 17 years and was the only child to outlive Eleanor.
  • Dec 29, 1170

    "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"

    "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"
    Henry II said this out of anger, unfortunately for Beckett, it was taken literally and four of Henry's knights murdered Beckett in his own cathedral.
  • Jan 13, 1171

    Henry and Eleanor split

    Because of Henry's infidelity Eleanor leaves Henry and returned to Poiier where she focused her life on poetry.
  • Jan 12, 1173

    Eleanor is imprisoned

    Eleanor is imprisoned
    Eleanor and her sons together revolted against the King. They were not, however, successful and Eleanor was on house arrest for the next 15 years.
  • Jan 12, 1173

    Revolt against the King

    Eleanor returns to London to assist her son Richard in their revolt against Henry II. The revolt was unsucessfuland Henry places Eleanor in confinement for her involvement.
  • Jan 12, 1176

    Henry divides up his land

    Henry decided that upon his death he wanted his lands to be divided umong his sons. Henry, the young king, would rule England, Normandy and Anjou. Richard would rule Aquitaine, Geoffrey would rule Brittany, and John would rule Ireland.
  • Jul 6, 1176

    Rosamon Dies

  • Jan 12, 1179

    Trial by Jury

    Henry II ruled that in cases concerning property rights a defendant could opt for trial by jury rather than by battle. This civilizing of society is a crucial part in Henry's ruling.
  • Jul 6, 1189

    Henry Dies

    When Henry dies, Richard suceeds his father. Richard immediately releases his mother from confinement. Eleanor acts as regent while her sons fights in the Third Crusade.