
Henry Bibb- Gabby and Julia

  • Child Hood Experiences of Henry Bibb

    Child Hood Experiences of Henry Bibb
    As a child, Bibb saw his brothers and sisters sold to different slave owners. He was hired out to various slaveholders and had little contact with his mother. He didn't want other people to suffer through the suffrage that he went through so he wanted to help. He accompanied many people through the underground railroad. Anne Frank and Henry Bibb are alike in many ways because they both got separated from their families. Anne Frank separated from her mom and dad with her sister.
  • Henrys Slavery Expeirences

    Henrys Slavery Expeirences
    As a young teenager, Bibb was sold to a man named Mr. Vires, whose wife treated Bibb poorly. Recalling the abuse, Bibb says that the Vires' cruelty inspired him with a desire to escape. He would run away for days at a time, and though they would beat him for it, he never gave up. Eventually, they returned him. For a long time he was inspired and motivated to run away and be a free abolitionist. Henry Bibb was like Sojourner Truth because they both were abused by their master.
  • Henry's Success At Freedom

    Henry's Success At Freedom
    After many attempts, Henry finally escaped to freedom, but it came with a price. He had to leave his family behind. This expeirence inspired him to help many slaves escape to the north for freedom. Harriet Tubman went through a lot of the same experiences. They both were a slave, ran away to freedom, and became abolitionists at a young age.
  • Henry's Occupation

    Henry's Occupation
    Henry Bibb was an American author and a Canadian abolitionist after escaping to be free. He founded an abolitionist newspaper, The Voice of the Fugitive. He returned to the US and lectured against slavery. That impacted him for a long time because he would always consider himself as a free man. Anne Frank was like Henry Bibb because they both wrote a story of their life in hiding.
  • Henry's Book

    Henry's Book
    Between 1849 and 1850 Henry published his autobiography called "Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, An American Slave Written by Himself." The book became one of the best known slave books. Writing the book put Henry and his family in danger. The impact was being best known of the slave narratives of the slave times. Henry Bibb and Frederick Douglass were very much alike. They both wrote an autobiography about their lives. They also both were editors of a newspaper.