Henrietta Lacks
Born in Virginia
uwsscience.wordpress.com -
Diagnosis of Epidermoid Caricinoma
Epidermoid carcinoma is also known as Stage 1 cervical cancer. -
Henrietta's Death
Death due to uremic posioning, Uremic posioning is when urea and waste product is not secreted from the body because of renal failure. http://scienceblogs.com/terrasig/2010/05/henrietta_lacks_headstone_dedi.php
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_uremic_Poisoning -
Before HeLa cells, scientists spent more time trying to keep cells alive than performing actual research on the cells. An endless supply of HeLa cells freed up time for discovery.
. Some cells in Lacks’s tissue sample behaved differently than others. Scientists learned to isolate one specific cell, multiply it, and start a cell line. Isolating one cell and keeping it alive is the basic technique for cloning and in-vitro fertilization. -
Polio epidemic
In 1952, the worst year of the polio epidemic, HeLa cells were used to test the vaccine that protected millions.
A scientist accidentally poured a chemical on a HeLa cell that spread out its tangled chromosomes. Later on, scientists used this technique to determine that humans have 46chromosomes—23 pairs—not 48, which provided the basis for making several types of genetic diagnoses. -
Posthumous Contribution
Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA -
Henireatta Lacks Foundation
This ia non-profit organization which strives to provide finanicial assistance to needy individuals who have made important contributions to scentific research without personally benefiting from those contributions, particualary, those used in research without knowledge or consent. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lacks-Family-HeLa-Foundation/210900152262257 -
Posthumous Recognition
Morgan State University -
Posthumous Contrtibution
Evergreen School District