Hemi yakovich

  • Being born on January,3,2005

    When i was born my mom had a c-section. The doctors accidentally dropped me back into my moms stomach which is when i swallowed some of her liquids. I was kept in the hospital for a week and then sent home.
  • one year old

    one year old
    My parents would open the fridge and I would walk over and climb on the stool. Then I would just stand in the fridge and do nothing. My parents dont know why or for what reason I did that.
  • battery operated four wheeler. Two years old

    battery operated four wheeler. Two years old
    When i was two i used to ride my battery operated four wheeler everywhere. I would ride it around the house when i couldnt go outside. Also i would always where my racing suit too.
  • At the race track. Three years old.

    At the race track. Three years old.
    When I was three they called over the announcment speaker for kid karts to go down to the grid. Well I told my mom they were calling me and that I was able to race. I kept bugging her about it but I couldnt race.
  • started racing.

    started racing.
    I was five years old when I started racing. I used to beat all of the kids in the kids cart class. This event was one of the most fun and exciting thing ever.
  • Big crash

    I was racing down the track and someone lost a bumper off of there kart and i didnt see the red flag. Untill a flager came and walked a little bit out onto the track and waved the flag. Well one of the kids didnt see it so he slamed into the back of me causing me to hit my head on the steering wheel luckily I was wearing a helmet. When they got the stuff off of the track they waved the green flag i tried going but couldnt the kid hit me so hard my metal bumper bended around my tire.
  • Scar

    When I was seven I was pushing a swing back and forth. My mom told me not to push the swing so hard or it could hit me. Well I didnt listen and it ended up hitting me in the chin and giving me a scar and yes it is still here today.
  • Moving on up

    When I was eight years old I moved up into the junior one class. Not just because I was old enough but because I no longer fit in my kart becuase I was really tall. All the other kids were so small.
  • stopped racing

    My parents wanted to move to another race track. When they did that I wasnt old enough to race any of the things there becuase of how fast and more like cars they were. So in the end I had to stop racing.
  • Acting

    Sense i had nothing to do becuase I had quit racing I tried acting. I really liked it, it was fun and different. Although in all of them i ended up being the mom.
  • Moving and hobby

    We ended up stoping racing for good and I quit acting. It was fourth grade year and I was moving. I wasnt to happy about it we lived with my grandma for a bit while the people moved out of our house. then I picked up the hobby of archery.
  • New school

    New elementary school I didnt like it very much. There were some very mean girls there who bullied lots of my friends but the school didnt do anything about it. The teachers were cool and fun so that was the only good part about it. Also was going into fith grade.
  • Middle school

    I started middle school it was pretty easy but new school new people. I was not so sociable at all and i didnt want a new school. I liked most of my teachers there so it was good.
  • karate

    I started karate at the beggning of ninth grade it was the best idea ive ever had it made me so happy. It gave me more confidence and I got a couple of really good friends there like family there. I am really glad i started it even though it takes up a lot of time.
  • High school

    High school
    This is a really huge and life changing step in my life and I feel super scared and nervous about it. hopefully it goes well and good grades and I succseed. I gotta hang in there and stay strong.