Ed Services Team begins preparing for 1:1 roll-out plan
Team attended conference where Alan November was the key note speaker and challenged us to not let the computer become the $1,000 pencil! -
Work on new Tech Plan begins
IT and Ed Services begins work on the new Tech Plan for 2015 - 2018 -
Ed Services Team begins using Haiku Learning Management System for Leadership Meetings
Ed Services begins modeling for adminstrators what we have been using with teachers for PD - Haiku. All future Ed Services Leadership Meetings will be paperless and all documents, power points, presentations, etc. will be uploaded to Haiku -
HUSD begins preparing online lessons for 3rd, 6th, and 9th graders on Haiku
A committee of tech-savy teachers will be pulled together to begin creating online lessons from our CCSS units and place them online in Haiku's Learning Management System. This project will continue throughout the upcoming year -
Teachers are trained in new online resources for 1:1 roll-out
Teachers in 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade will be trained in how to begin utilizing the online lessons for students. Numerous days will be spent on PD to prepapre and support teachers with this transition. -
Next wave of teachers will be trained on 1:1 transition (4th, 7th & 10th grade)
Third wave of 1:1 begins - (th, 8th & 11th grade)
All Teachers & Grade levels trained for 1:1
By 2019 - 2020 all students in 3rd - 12th will have their own device (whatever that might be, a Chrome Book, Lap-Top, or ?) K-2 will probably have a 1:2 ratio with something like an i-pad device