Helicopters - Transportation

  • 400 BCE

    First Design of a Helicopter

    First Design of a Helicopter
    Chinese toy consisting of a bamboo propellor and a stick was the earliest form of a helicopter.
  • 1480

    Leonardo da Vinci's Helicopter Design

    Leonardo da Vinci's Helicopter Design
    Leonardo da Vinci sketched the aerial screw, an aircraft with a screw-like configuration that produced lift when spun. However he never made a real model, only drawings.
  • Christian De Launoy's Rotor

    Christian De Launoy's Rotor
    Christian De Launoy created a model with two rotors that spun in opposite directions; therefore balancing out the torque reaction and improving stability and handling
  • The First Time Aluminum was Used

    The First Time Aluminum was Used
    The first aluminum was used in the design and construction of helicopters. It was advantageous as it was light, strong, and corrosion resistant.
  • Alphonse Pénaud's Helicopter Design

    Alphonse Pénaud's Helicopter Design
    Alphonse Pénaud developed the co-axle rotor consisting of a pair of rotors fitted into the same shaft which spun on the same axis as each other. Although each rotor spun in different directions, this balanced the torque reactions as did De Launoy's design.
  • Paul Cornu's Design

    Paul Cornu's Design
    Paul Cornu designed the first pilot driven helicopter. His helicopter incorporated two six meter rotors
  • First Helicopter capable of Movement

    First Helicopter capable of Movement
    Father and son Emile and Henry Berliner developed a rotor capable of movement on the x-axis.This provided directional control of the helicopter.
  • Stud Welding

    Stud Welding
    Stud welding was invented and used for industrial use for purposes such as welding steel.
  • Fiberglass was Developed

    Fiberglass was Developed
    Fiberglass was developed, yet it wasn't used on helicopters until 1965.
  • First Pilot Controlled Helicopter

    First Pilot Controlled Helicopter
    Heinrich Karl Johann Focke made the first helicopter that was fully controlled by the pilot. The FW 61
  • World's First Successful Helicopter

    World's First Successful Helicopter
    On September 14, 1939, the VS-300, the world's first practical helicopter, took flight at Stratford, Connecticut. Designed by Igor Sikorsky and built by the Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation, the helicopter was this first to incorporate a single main rotor and tail rotor design.
  • Skids were Introduced

    Skids were Introduced
    Skids were introduced to helicopters as a replacement for wheels. They were lightweight and easier to connect.
  • Fiberglass was Used

    Fiberglass was Used
    Fiberglass was used in the construction of helicopters. Particularly for the blades and airframe.
  • Carbon Fiber

    Carbon Fiber
    Composite technology improved with the development of better plastic resins and strengthening fibers, leading to creation of carbon fiber, which was used for fuselage, rotor blades, and ducting of the engine.
  • Stealth is Key

    Stealth is Key
    The first derivative of a stealth helicopter was developed for the U.S. Military.
  • Remote Controlled

    Remote Controlled
    The U.S. military developed the first fully controllable unmanned helicopter. (externally controlled)
  • Electric Helicopter

    Electric Helicopter
    The first fully electric helicopter was created by Sikorsky (An American aviation company)