
Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17,1996

  • Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)
    For the first entry on Thomas Kuhn, I'll first go over what he contributed to philosophy and science. One of his main theories is the paradigm shift. I have attached a short video that briefing describes his idea in a very simple manner. Kuhn believed that science and life is in a cyclic pattern or motion. Meaning that everything is always going to change and be questioned. ( Continued in Assignment Text Box)
  • Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)
    The first entry I talked about one of Thomas Kuhn's contributions to philosophy and science on how he came up with the idea for a paradigm shift. This entry we are going to go over what happens in order for a paradigm shift to happen. Like I mentioned before there are five steps: Normal Science, Model Drift, Model Crisis, Model Revolution and Paradigm Shift. Lets start by going over what Normal Science is.  (Continued in Assignment Text Box)
  • Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)
    Now for the next phase of Thomas Kuhn's concept of paradigm shift. We are now on the Model Crisis phase, as one can kind of assume this is where the "crisis" happens. Previously in Normal Science we mention that in that particular phase scientists have become confident in their theory that they did not need to try and disprove it. Even if a few questions arise scientists will still believe that their theory is solid and can be fought against. (Continued in the Assignment Text Box)
  • Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996)
    The final phase Model Revolution happens before a paradigm shift. Mention previously Model Crisis alone won't completely give up a previously paradigm all it does is create enough problems and questions that scientists start to lose confidence in the original paradigm and start looking at other possibilities. When this happens and when Model Revolution comes into play, during this phase scientists will completely break down their original paradigm and start the research over again. (continued)