Write: Can there Be a Feminist Science?
Philosophy of science can yield models of scientific reasoning that illuminate the interaction between cultural values and ideology and scientific inquiry. While we can use these models to expose masculine and other forms of bias, we can also use them to defend the introduction of assumptions grounded in feminist political values. (Abstract)
Helen Longino: “Can there Be a Feminist Science?” https://www.jstor.org/stable/3810122?seq=1 -
Science as social knowledge: values and objectivity in scientific Inquiry in Princeton University Press
Longino has written a timely book that fills a critical gap in the existing literature between philosophy of science and the social studies of science. We need to understand how social expectations shape the development of science while at the same time recognizing the dependence of scientific inquiry on its interactions with natural phenomena. ( Evelyn) Princeton: Evelyn Fox Keller https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691020518/science-as-social-knowledge -
Inducted: President, Philosophy of Science Association
The Philosophy of Science Association promotes research, teaching, and free discussion of issues in the philosophy of science from diverse standpoints. They engage the publishing of periodic sets, essays and monographs.
PSA home page: Https://pho’s I.org/about-the-psa/psa-mission.html -
Period: to
Served: First Vice President International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Their objects are to promote contacts among logicians, philosophers, of science and scientists interested in the foundational problems of their disciplines. To encourage and sustain research and study of important problems in logic, methodology, and philosophy of science. To organize, sponsor, and support international meetings of logic. (DLMPST HomePage) DLMPST HomePage: https://dumps.org (accessed on 8 Dec 2019)