
HeLa Breakthroughs

  • HeLa Cells are Taken and Cultured

    HeLa Cells are Taken and Cultured
    Henrietta Lacks, a thirty one year old African American woman, visited John Hopkins Hospital for cervical cancer. A sample of her cancerous cells were given to George Gey, who successfully cultured the first immortal human cell line, HeLa.
  • HeLa Develops the Creation of the Polio Vaccine

    HeLa Develops the Creation of the Polio Vaccine
    HeLa cells allowed researchers to spread the poliovirus into the cell line to better understand how the virus infects cells. Scientists determined that HeLa was an efficient tool to create a growing culture of poliovirus. Thus creating an early foundation for developments of the polio vaccine.
  • Discoveries About How X-Rays Effect Human Cells

    Discoveries About How X-Rays Effect Human Cells
    Scientists and Researchers use HeLa to identify how x-rays can damage human cells. Through this, they found that radiation influences cell growth and development. These findings proved that x-rays had negative consequences on human health.
  • HeLa In Space

    HeLa In Space
    Some of the first capsules that were used to explore space included HeLa cells. This information provided hints on how human cells reacted to radiation in space and ultraviolet rays. Along with how space travel would effect future astronauts short term and long term.
  • Half Human, Half Mouse

    Half Human, Half Mouse
    Mouse cells were combined with HeLa, creating the first documented human-animal hybrid. Of course, this was only on the cellular level. As a result, distinct combinations allowed scientists to study what proteins were made and by which human gene. These findings were used in early gene mapping.
  • Decreasing Cancer Growth

    Decreasing Cancer Growth
    Researched determined that cancer growth slows when treated with a drug named Campothecin, HeLa was treated with said drug, and slowed it's uncontrolled cell growth. As a result, scientists also found that Campothecin worked on cancerous cells outside of HeLa. Campothecin is now used to treat lung, ovarian, and cervical cancers.
  • HeLa and HIV

    HeLa and HIV
    During the early days of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, researchers discovered that HeLa was not as prone to be infected by HIV. Utilizing this information, scientists had a basic understand on how HIV infects cells. Leading to drug development aiming at controlling the spread of HIV.
  • Analyzing Tuberculosis

    Analyzing Tuberculosis
    HeLa cells are used to see exactly how tuberculosis makes people ill. This was the first time scientists had seen the infection and invasion on the molecular level. Allowing developments for more effective vaccines and treatments.
  • Single Cell Images

    Single Cell Images
    Scientists used HeLa cells to innovate and create an advanced microscopic single cell imaging This method of imagining shows clear viewing of viruses entering cells and crisp pictures of the inner works of a single cell. Thus leading to a noble prize innovation.
  • Discovery of Telomeres

    Discovery of Telomeres
    Researchers used HeLa cells to discover telomeres. Telomeres act as a "lid" that keeps the chromosome from deteriorating. Which prevents cells from decay and damage. Telomeres is replenished by the telomerase enzyme. This discovery led to another Nobel Prize.