Heidi's Technology Timeline

  • TV

    My first technology was probably just our home TV. We just had one and I don't think I ever got to actually pick what we watched.
  • Listening Centers

    Listening Centers
    Listening centers were an exciting part of my elementary school experience
  • Rotary Phone

    Rotary Phone
    I remember using our home rotary phone to call my friends in elementary school
  • Tomagochi

    I loved my digital pets!!
  • My first Mac

    My first Mac
    I remember being introduced to the internet in 4th grade and going to the new computer room full of these bad boys:)
  • Polaroid Cameras

    Polaroid Cameras
    I remember my mom using our Polaroid to take pictures of us when we were kids.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    In school elementary school I loved rainy days because we sometimes got to go play Oregon Trail in the computer lab.
  • Nokia- Snake Game

    Nokia- Snake Game
    I had one of my mom's old Nokia phones that I brought to Jr. HIgh and pretended to use like it worked, when really I just played snake on it all day
  • The Blackerry

    The Blackerry
    I never had one but I remember thinking the blackberry was so cool and wanted one so bad!
  • Disposable Cameras

    Disposable Cameras
    I loved taking pictures and would often choose to spend any money I earned on a disposable camera. I also use them for when I traveled with my gymnastics team.
  • The Flip Phone

    The Flip Phone
    I loved that I could take pictures on my phone and text my Friends whenever I wanted. I got to know my husband through texting.
  • My first Digital Camera

    My first Digital Camera
    I remember when my friends and I got our first digital cameras. We thought that 4 megapixels was great quality (Ha Ha Ha)
  • My first computer purchase

    My first computer purchase
    My first year of college I bought myself a dell desktop.
  • ipod

    I bought my first iPod at the BYU bookstore and felt like a rockstar!