Hechos Historicos

  • 1976 BCE

    "Micro-Soft" changed to "Microsoft"

    The company name was changed from Micro-Soft to the more recognized name, Microsoft.
  • Dec 21, Engine

    He discussed the main principles of a calculating engine in a letter he wrote to Sir H. Davy.
  • Presented

    Babbage presented something that he called "difference engine" to the Royal Astronomical Society and in a paper entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables.
  • Charles Babbage

    Diseñó y parcialmente implementó una máquina para calcular
  • Ada LovelaceAda's translation and Notes on the analytical engine are published

    This is her life's achievement; inside is what is consider to by the worlds first computer program.
  • Se patenta la conmutación de ondas

    Hedy y George estuvieron trabajando en hallar una forma de comunicar un mensaje mediante un misil dirigido imposible de descifrar.
  • first assignment in Bell Labs-Jonh Bardeen

    The first assignment they were given was to find an alternative to fragile glass vacuum tube amplifiers. Their first attempts were based on Shockley's ideas about using an external electrical field on a semiconductor. Their experiments failed every time in all sorts of configurations. Bardeen suggested a theory that used surface states that did not allow the field to penetrate the semiconductor.
  • Completion of the ENIAC Eckert

    The ENIAC was finally completed. University of Pennsylvania. “John W. Mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer.” Penn Library Exhibition, 2 August 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
  • her professional projects-Jude Milhon

    Milhon taught herself programming in 1967 and landed her first job at the Horn and Hardart company of New York before she moved away to California to join the counter culture movement.Among the projects she contributed to were the Berkeley Software Distribution operating system and the Community Memory .She was a member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, and the author of several books. She was a senior editor at the magazine Mondo 2000 and frequent contributor to Boing Boing.
  • lanzamiento nuevo chip

    en 1971 lanza chips Intel 4004 y se lanzó el procesador de textos Redactron.
  • Wheels of Zeus (WOZ)

    Wheels of Zeus (WOZ)
    In 2001, Wozniak founded Wheels of Zeus (WOZ), to create wireless GPS technology to help everyday people find everyday things much more easily. WOZ was closed in 2006.
  • Frances Allen

    Sus logros incluyen trabajo en optimizar compiladores, optimización de código, y computación paralela.Se convirtió en la primera mujer ganadora del Premio Turing.