Ekg 2069872 1280

Heart Matters Timeline

  • Gather Data

    Gather Data
    Phone surveys were taken to collect the data, these data points only pertain to those that were sampled in Alabama
  • Stored data in a CSV format

    Stored data in a CSV format
    In 2018 Heart Matters removed the data pertaining to Alabama from the BRFSS database and stored it in CSV format on a secured hard drive in a securely locked room.
  • Inital Review of data

    Inital Review of data
    There was an initial analysis done on the data to see if a lack of medical care is a problem in Alabama and why.
  • Office Expansion

    Office Expansion
    Heart Matters expanded their business into serval offices in Alabama
  • Received Funding for SQL Database

    Received Funding for SQL Database
    Heart Matters received funding to use a new SQL database to store, manage, and analyze data.
  • Moved CSV file to new SQL databse

    Moved CSV file to new SQL databse
    The IT system administrator physically transferred the data to the new location in Alabama. The data set was copied to a flash drive, delivered to the new location, and then imported into the system.
  • Hired new analyst

    Hired new analyst
    Hired new analyst to review data set
  • Review of the data set

    Review of the data set
    The new analyst re-reviewed the data set to find that the CSV file had characters that were not compatible with the SQL database. This resulted in some of the rows of data not importing properly and caused data loss.