-healthy diet and choices
-everything in moderation
-cut back on the alcohol
-exercise to work off the alcohol
-Sleep. sleep is always the answer
-get your regular exams schedules for healthiness and good hygiene
-prevent accidental injuries
-wear a condom
-take care of your mental state
-Love yourself!!! -
-keep a healthy weight and try to keep that six pack
-exercise!!! preferably 30-60 minutes
-try and sleep please
-SUNSCREEN. you don't want those wrinkles
-try to stay stress free if that's possible
-monitor body mass index
-Take care of sexual and reproductive health if you want babies
-Build some muscle and be a strong old lady
-Get your regular examples and screen for cancer -
-healthy habits to prevent disease
-know your family health history
-treat your chronic pains because you're getting old
-Stress. Mediation maybe?
-Breathe and don't get depressed
-Kids maybe? take care of your productive health
-don't worry, the hot flashes are normal
- treat sun spots and wrinkles by taking care of your skin and wearing sunscreen
-go to doctor if changes in vision and hearing occur
-Regular physical exams required -
-look, you're getting old, but it's okay because you've lived a rocking life
-EAT HEALTHY. No more chocolate cake for you
-Stay active, but don't hurt yourself
-continue to challenge and develop your mind
-keep a healthy weight
-no smoking, you're too old for that
-sleep. It is still the answer.
-try and not to get stressed, just worry about your beautiful grandchildren
-You can pass on the alcohol
-Go to the doctor for changes in physical abilities like vision, hearing, etc. -
-you're getting up there...
-No worries, the salon will fix those greys
-learn warning signs for health problems
-constantly consult a doctor if any issues occur
-we've been over this, no smoking
-protect that beautiful beating heart of yours
-exercise but take it easy
-eat healthy
-Regular exams and screenings
-be happy. you've lived for 60 years :)