Healthy Decision Making

  • The Decision

    The health related decision I need to make is taking initiative to be more social and going out in more social settings. This will significantly impact my mental health because it will make me feel less lonely and have a better mental attitude.
  • Overcoming Barriers

    When it comes to making a decision, you have two options. Following my intuition would likely result in me failing to make my decision to be more social because, my intuition would likely tell me I don't need to be more social. Making my decision with reasoning would likely be the better option because I can weigh in different internal and external factors. Sometimes using only intuition, your decision can be swayed due to emotional attachment. Although, reasoning can result in over thinking.
  • Decision Making Process

    It's extremely important and valuable to apply thoughtfulness to health related decisions (both mental and physical). If you make decisions without thinking things through, negative or ineffective results could occur. When you think through your decision, you're much more likely to end up with a result that is more positive and effective. I will personally think through ways to put myself in more social situations without sending myself overboard with discomfort.
  • Individual or Collaborative Decision?

    Individual decision making is a great option but comes with negatives too. Although its much quicker, it could result in a short thinking process and lack of analyzation. Individually making my decision to be more social was my ideal way to go about the situation because I know myself best. I know what is too much for me and what social situations I can handle. Making a decision as a group is also an option but may be more time consuming and have a too many different kinds of input from others.
  • Short and Long Term Affects

    Short-term affects and solutions are more for immediate issues. The short-term affects of my decision would result in me feeling much more involved and included with friends around me. Long-term affects are things that are often overlooked or ignored. The long-term affects of my decision to push myself to be more social, could result in ignoring deadlines or increased exhaustion or laziness, contrary, it could result in a more positive mental attitude.
  • Defending the Healthy Choice

    I believe that pushing myself to be more social is a healthy choice. I believe this because it is a decision I made as an individual and have put lots of thought into it. I have recognized and predicted the short term affect will be a more positive attitude and the long term affect will cause me to have more willingness to join social situations. In the beginning, my intuition could try to pull me back from my decision but as long as I reason through it; my decision will be easy to follow.
  • Evaluation of Decisions

    The effectiveness of health-related decision has been positive. I've been significantly more social and positive, I've been able to connect better with friends far more than I had before. Pushing myself to be more social has resulted in me feeling much less lonely and I've had a more positive mental attitude as well.