Health Timeline

  • Birth

    You will be new born and wouldn't know much about life.
  • Period: to

    Health Timeline

  • 5 yrs Old

    5 yrs Old
    It is your first day of school and you will start to leanr about how God would effect you life. Also you will learn more about socialising and physical activity.
  • Last Day of Primary School

    Last Day of Primary School
    You have finsih primary school and by know you would have learned alot about socialising and you will be involed in some sort of sport. You will also have figued out where you are at with God and your belifs.
  • Yr 9 in highschool

    Yr 9 in highschool
    In yr 9 you would be open to move social struggles and you would have to rely on spirital health to get you through.
  • Graduation From Highschool

    Graduation From Highschool
    You have know finished high school and you should have now choosen if we follow God or not. You would now be starting a new stage in life and you will have good physical health.
  • 21th Birthday

    21th Birthday
    You are now 21 and you should be at your peek in physical health and you should probably be starting to have some social challenges. But your life has just started.
  • 30th Birthday

    30th Birthday
    You are now in the prime time of your life you might have a family and you will have strong bonds with people.You should have a great mental health because you should be relaxed and have a good job.
  • 40th Birthday

    40th Birthday
    You are now 40 at your physical health should be good but not amazing. You will still have great socail and mental health.
  • 50th Birthday

    50th Birthday
    You mental health might not be that amazinng and you would probably start relying on spiritually health more. Also you physical health wont be that great.
  • 60th birthday

    60th birthday
    You will have lost quite alot of your physcial health and you will have more social health.
  • 70th birthday

    70th birthday
    You would have lost mostly all of your physical health and you will have not very healthy mental health either. You might still be communiticating with people but not as much.
  • Death

    You have now died and and you have lost all health and you life has come to and end.