Edward Jenner developed smallpox vaccine
William Roentgen discovered x-rays/
Clara Borton founded the American Red Cross
Karl Landsteiner discovers the existence of different human blood types
Alois Alzheimer identifies the first case of what becomes known as Alzheimer’s disease
Willem Einthoven discovers electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)
Willem Einthoven discovers electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)
Paul Ehrlich develops a chemotherapeutic cure for sleeping sickness.
Paul Ehrlich develops the first antimicrobial agent, salvarsan. An arsenic-based drug, it proves to be an effective treatment for syphilis
Archibald Garrod discovers that some diseases are caused by genes and therefore inherited.
Marie Curie isolated radium
William Bateson and Reginald Punnet first map a gene to a chromosome
Paul Dudley White, MD, one of America's first cardiologists, pioneers the electrocardiograph as a diagnostic tool.
German physician Emil von Behring develops the first successful vaccine for diphtheria
Edward Mellanby discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets
Frederick Banting and Charles Best discover insulin
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
Willem J. Kolff builds the first dialysis machine.
Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine.
American physician and researcher Thomas Starzl performs the first human liver transplant.
American surgeon James Hardy performs the first human lung transplant.
Frank Pantridge installs the first portable defibrillator.
A rubella vaccine developed by researcher Maurice Hilleman is licensed.
Surgeon Bruce Reitz performs the first successful heart-lung transplant; it also is the first time a lung is transplanted.
The first brain surgery is performed using a computerized robotic arm, invented by medical researcher Yik San Kwoh.