Health technological invention

  • 460

    Beginning of medication

    Beginning of medication
    In 460 BCE. Birth of Hippocrates, Greek physician considered the father of medicine.Hippocrates bases medicine on deductive reasoning.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    First thought of Contacts

    First thought of Contacts
    In the year 1508, Leonardo Da vinci illustrates and invents a brief idea of contact lenses.
  • Invention of the microscope

    Invention of the microscope
    In 1590, Zacharius Jannssen invented the microscope that is used to discover new diseases and increase our knowlage on cells.
  • How is blood pumped?

    How is blood pumped?
    William Harvey publishes a novel on how blood is pumped through the heart and transfered throghout the body.
  • Potection from smallpox

    Potection from smallpox
    Edward Jenner develops a method to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus.
  • Thorough concept of contact lenses

    Thorough concept of contact lenses
    citeSir johnHerschalcreates a thporough concept of contacts:how they function, how to use, what they are made for. Contacts were made for those unwilling to wear glasses.
  • use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.

    use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.
    Dr. Horace Wells used nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.
  • ether's anesthetic properties

    ether's anesthetic properties
    Dr. William Morton demonstrates ether's anesthetic properties when performing a tooth extraction.
  • First vaccine for plague.

    First vaccine for plague.
    citeFirst vaccine for plague.
  • vaccine for cholera

    vaccine for cholera
    First vaccine for cholera
  • First vaccine for anthrax

    First vaccine for anthrax
    First vaccine for anthrax
  • First vaccine for rabies

    First vaccine for rabies
  • First contact prototype

    First contact prototype
    The first contacts are manufactured and are made from glass. They are painful during use and are made to fit the entire eye.
  • First vaccine for typhoid fever.

    First vaccine for typhoid fever.
    First vaccine for typhoid fever.
  • First disposable soft vontact lenses.

    First disposable soft vontact lenses.
    Contacts before this pont have not been the disposable kind and are now available to the people. This is to help maintan the cleanliness of them and prevent any harmful substances from getting to the eyes.
  • First vaccine for tuberculosis.

    First vaccine for tuberculosis.
    First vaccine for tuberculosis.
  • Plastic contact lenses

    Plastic contact lenses
    The first, distrubuted to society, contacts were manufactored out of plastic and not used by the majority.
  • Plastic contact lenses, innovation

    Plastic contact lenses, innovation
    citeThis innovation on the first plastic contact lenses are now made to cover only the eye's cornea.
  • Soft contacts

    Soft contacts
    This year was the introduction to soft contact lenses as a hope they would be more convienent and appealing to the consumers.
  • GP contacts

    GP contacts
    Not long after the introduction to soft contacts lenses, this is year another attemt to appeal more to the consumer and improve vision of the public. GP stands for gas permeable.
  • Overnight contacts

    New contact lenses made especialy for overnight and were approved by the FDA. They are also soft ontacts and are an innovation on the original plastic contact.
  • Overnight and Gp contacts

    A GP overnight contact has been made and bagun distribution to the public. This increases the purchase rate of contacts.
  • Silicone-hydrogel contact lenses first marketed

    Silicone-hydrogel contact lenses first marketed
    Silicone-hydrogel contacts are now on the market and made for the public. They are made to be more effective in vision repair and imporvement.
  • Overnight orthokeratology approved by FDA

    Overnight use of ortgokeratology lenses become available to the people and are now approved by the FDA. Therefore being more trustworthy to the people.
  • Custom lenses

    Custom-manufactured silicone-hydrogel lenses become available. They are the consumers tofay use and are made specificaly to correct the vision of a single perons eye. Considering not everyone lacks in vision the same
  • Introsuction to disease dicovery

    Introsuction to disease dicovery
    Rhazes, Persian physician, is the first to identify smallpox, as distinguished from measles, and to suggest blood as the cause of infectious disease.