Health Science- Surgeons Through Time

  • People- Elizabeth Garret Anderson

    People- Elizabeth Garret Anderson
    First woman to qualify as a physician and surgeon
  • Tech Advancement- X-Ray

    Tech Advancement- X-Ray
    Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen has discovered the X-Ray around this time.
  • People- Charles R. Drew

    People- Charles R. Drew
    First person to come up with the concept of the 'Blood Bank'
  • People- Ben Carson

    People- Ben Carson
    A nuero surgeon to successfully conjoined twins, who were joined at the head.
  • Duties

    Emergency physicians must maintian complaisance with thr Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
  • Education

    Required to have a Bachelors degree followed by 4 years of Medical school. Lastly, students must complete 3 to 7 years of residency depending on their specialty.
  • Tech Advancements

    Tech Advancements
    Telesurgery is a type of robot assisted surgery where the surgeon is not physically there. Today's minimal invasive surgeries include things like smaller scars and lower risks.
  • Salary

    About $365,750 anually and could range from $318,019- $434,377