Physical health
I noticed that I was not in shape when i had to climb a flight of stairs and byt the third floor i was compleatly out of breath. I overcame this chalenge by going to the gym and slowly working up my strength and physical helath. -
Health goal
I have decided that it is time that i improve my health. To do that I will no longer eat any junk food what so ever. Every time I pass a fast food resturaunt I will get out an apple (that i keep in my car) and eat it instead. -
Shadows death
Today my childhood dog died. I did not deal with it well... I ate all my feeling away, I must have eaten about two tubs of chocolate ice cream by now. I'm not an expert but I dont think eating only ice cream and blasting Queen is healthy... I will never be able to replace shadow but I don't want to be lonly so im getting a new puppy. -
Best friend drinking
My best friend Mat started drinking on the weekends now. I have never been a big fan of drinking and I dont think its good for him. His grades are dropping little by little. He is ignoring his responsabilities around the house. He alwya shas a head ache from Friday night all the way to Tuesday night. And worst of all he keeps bringing girls home that i dont know! We have to have a talk later. -
Nana's death
Today Nana (my grandmother) died. I haven't been able to eat for two weeks. Everything I do seems forced, even waking up. Saturday was hard for the whole family. She would make us all pancakes every Saturday. She wouldn't like it that I haven't been eating right. I know that there is nothing I could have done about it. If there was anyhting I could have done I know I would have done it. There is nothing i could have done to prevent her death, but at least i can let her tratitions live on. -
Low blood count
Today I learned that my family has a history of low blood count. That means that my body doesnt have allot of blood/bad circulation. Now I have to eat helthier foods, and food with more salt. On top of that i have to take salt, magnizuim, and zink tablets. Now I will not pass out, have a heart attack, get lightheaded, or black out anymore. -
Mom is smoking again
Today I caught my mom smoking "just one" cigarette. The thing is that she has been making a habit of having that "one" cigarette every day! I am worried her migranes are going to come back! Not only the migranes but also the insomnia. When ever she smokes her asthma attacks are more frequent that when she isin't smoking... -
Mat trying to drive drunk
Mat still hasn't stopped his drinking habbits. We went to a party today and he insinted on driving. He kepst saying "im not even that drunk", he was drunk enough. I took his keys away from him then he started yelling at me. I got my phone out and showed him pictures of car crashes from drunk drivers. He told me that he would be careful and that if he did he would be fine. I told he might be but the mini va he hits full of kids might not be. After that he let me drive. -
Sick all week with the flu
I was home sick all week last week. There was not much I could do but take asprin, sleep a lot, and drink pleanty of water. I did't take the flu shot this year but next time I am sure I will. Another thing i am going to do more now is wash my hands, not obsesivly but still more than I was before. Remind me never to share food with people during the flu season! -
Sister going through puberty
Today I lealized my little sister is going through puberty. I realized that she was getting taller super quickly. Evry time i come home from campus she is at least an inch or two taller... She is starting to care for things like makeup now, i thought the day would never come that i could teach her how to put on eye shadow! -
Abstinece tips
My mom had a conversation with my sister today. THE conversation. She told me about when I came home from school. She said mom made her promice to stay abstinent. She told her to say no evrery time she was faced with a trying situation. She said that mom said to never hang out with guys alone. She also said that dating was off limits till she is 17. She thinks it's so unfair but i see moms point.