Jan 1, 1000
First school of medicine established in Salerno, Italy
Jan 1, 1200
First strict measures for control of public hygiene instituted
Jan 1, 1300
First dissection of human corpse
Jan 1, 1400
First recorded reguatlions for mid-wives
Jan 1, 1500
First scientific study of human anatomy published
Blood circulation first described
Bacteria discovered by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Edward Jenner discovers a vaccination for smallpox
Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope
Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman doctor
Period: to
Civil War
First School of Nursing
Florence Nightingale started the first school of nursing during the Crimean War. She made nursing a desirable and respected profession. -
Germ theory introduced
The Red Cross is founded
Clara Barton "Angel of the Battlefield establishes the America Red Cross -
Rabies vaccine discovered
X-Ray discovered
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays. Lead doctors to see what is going on inside the patient. Doctors are now able to see what is possibly wrong with the patient. -
Period: to
World War 1
Alexander Fleming accidently discovers penicillin, the first antibiotic. -
Period: to
WW ll
The polio vacine is stated safe
Jonas Salk announced to the world that the polio vaccine that he created is both safe and effective. -
Birth Control pill introduced
First Successful heart transplant
Louise Brown, the first test tube baby was born
MRI was available to use
AIDS first recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventiong
The First FDA approved Gene Therapy expierement in the U.S. occured
Dolly the sheep was born. Scientist cloned her.
Advances in Medicine
Microsurgeries are performed, Advances in scope surgery were made, Advances in Body Imagery and gene mapping has become popular in the medical field.