Period: 400 to Oct 7, 1400
Oct 7, 1300
first dissection of human corpse
no specific date -
Oct 8, 1348
Black Plauge
75% of the Europe population died in 20 years -
Period: Oct 7, 1400 to
Jan 1, 1450
printing press invented
microscope invented
Zucharius Jannssen -
bacteria discovered
Small Pox Vaccine
Edward Jenner -
stethescope invented
by Rene Laennec -
first successful blood transfusion
James Blundell -
Anesthetic - tooth extraction
Dr. William Morton uses anesthetic properties during a tooth extraction in Boston -
First female to qualify as a doctor
Elizabeth Blackwell -
Cholera Vaccine
Discovered X-Rays
William Roentgen -
Gov. Recognized AIDS
AIDS excisted for a long time before this though -
Isolated Radium
Marie Curie -
Insulin first used to treat diabetes
Discovered Penicillin
Sir Alexander Fleming -
Period: to
first pacemaker
Paul Zoll -
Discovery of DNA Structure
James Watson and Francis Crick -
Chicken Pox Vaccine
1st test tube baby
Louise Brown of Great Britian -
small pox is eradicated
by the World Health Organization -
AIDS got identified
Discovery of HIV virus
Bird and Swine flue epidemics
An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals
published by William Harvey explaining how blood is pumped through the body by the heart and then recirculates -
Classify Blood
Karl Landsteiner introduces a system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O -
identified small pox
Persian physician Rhazes is the first to identify smallpox, as distinguished from measles, and to suggest blood as the cause of infectious disease.