Health Insurance

  • Earliest record of coverage.

    Earliest record of coverage.
    Earliest record of coverage for health services: Congress establishes the U.S. Marine Hospital Service for seamen funded by compulsory deductions from their salaries.
  • Beginning of employer insurance

    Beginning of employer insurance
    Life and health insurance offered mainly through fraternal orders and guilds to their members; doctors charge an annual fee.
  • First accident insurance policy

    First accident insurance policy
    First insurance policy for coverage of bodily injury due to railway or steamboat accident.
  • The start of Health Insurance

    Life and health insurance was offered mainly through fraternal orders and guilds to their members; doctors charge an annual fee.
  • Penicillin Comes Into Use

    Penicillin Comes Into Use
    Labor Unions fight to make the inclusion of health plans in worker contracts widespread.Commercial (for-profit) insurance begins.
  • Health Care at a all time high

    Health Care at a all time high
    Health care spending is now three times higher than in 1970, at $257 billlion, about 10% of GDP.
  • Why do you need healthcare?

    You need health insurance because you cannot predict what your medical bills will be. In some years, your costs may be low. In other years, you may have very high medical expenses. If you have health insurance, you will have peace of mind in knowing that you are protected from most of these costs. You should not wait until you or a family member becomes seriously ill to try to purchase health insurance.
  • Actions are Being Taken to have Nation Wide Health Care Services

    Actions are Being Taken to have Nation Wide Health Care Services
    State Government attempt at statewide
    health coverage. Congress fights over creation of health
    plans for small businesses.
  • Major Health Care Reform Signed

    Major Health Care Reform Signed
    President Barack Obama signs landmark health care legislation. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that all individuals have health insurance beginning in 2014.
  • Health Care Spending Rises

    Health Care Spending Rises
    PriceWaterhouseCoopers predicts health care spending will reach 21% of GDP.