Health decision

By Gian.3
  • Group decision

    " it's always good to consider both options" (Section2,pg5) I felt like my mom made a good decision telling us and not keeping it a secret but being vegetarian really hasn't changed our lives since we turned vegetarian I know many of our close family member were shocked to hear the news but since we turned vegetarian we have not been missing meat it's crazy because we all loved meat and I'm glad that we were all able to decide what we want.
  • Wrong or right decision

    "Individual decision making saves time and energy" (Section2,pg5) it took me a 1 second to decide what I wanted I now don't play call of duty anymore and put studying and homework over video games and its been at least a year and some months that I haven't touch my ps4 when I look at it its dusty like a library book and I'm very happy with what I changed
  • Final thought

    I could of still been playing till this day but it doesn't hurt to stop playing and put school first. My mom is glad with the decision I made and very proud with myself because my old self would of not change.
  • Health decision

    Growing up all of my family we were all carnivores everything we would had meat. We always joked about becoming vegetarian and stop eating meat we always laughed because we knew it would never be true especially my older brother he was in love with meat. But I wasn't until my mom saw news about the dog eating festival abs since my brothers and I were in Mexico my mom told us that she's vegetarian and all joked about in until she said she was serious and we all decided to join here
  • Wrong or Right decision????¿¿¿

    "Group decision can be time consuming" it might not have been all that time consuming but it was something to think about. I think that it was a good decision on our behalf because changing your food life style doesn't make a change in who you are and doesn't change what you eat.
  • Self descision

    A long time ago back in 9th grade I would always be that kid that would play call of duty all day I was good at it but was not really focused on school. I would study the day before and copyed peoples homework looking back I can't believe I would do such a thing and copy