By douggg
  • Healthy Living in Your 20s

    -Exercising regularly and maintain healthy weight
    -Do not smoke, and have working smoke detectors
    -Avoid illegal substances and drink alcohol in moderation, and never drink and drive
    -Get enough sleep
    -Protect your skin and eyes
    -Go to the doctor and medical specialists when you are scheduled to
    -Keep and eye on your family health history to take preventative cautions
    -Take care of your sexual, mental, and emotional health
  • Staying Healthy in Your 30s

    -Take care of your sexual and reproductive health
    -Mental and emotional health
    -Skin care
    -Take care of your back
    -Build muscle
    -Dental exam
    -Eye exam and vision screening
    -Hearing test
    -Cholesterol screening
    -Skin cancer screening
  • Staying Healthy in Your 50s

    -Common health concerns include; changes in vision, chronic pain, digestive issues, ED, hair loss, hearing loss, hypertension, menopause, osteoporosis, OAB, skin problems, urinary incontinence
    -Physical exam, dental exam, eye exam, blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, diabetes screening, skin exam, immunizations, and screening tests for both genders
  • Healthy Living in Your 60s

    -Learn about warning signs for stroke and heart attack
    -Quit smoking
    -Maintain a healthy weight
    -Exercise regularly
    -Drink alcohol in moderation
    -Eat healthy
    -Protect your heart from heart disease
    Follow your health care provider's recommendations for examinations, screening procedures, diagnostic tests and preventative measures
    -Always where a seat belt
    -Make sure you have a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector on every floor of your home and in every bedroom
  • Staying Healthy in Your 40s

    -Look out for chronic pain, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, resting heart rate, blood glucose, BMI, osteoporosis, and anxiety and depression
    -Sexual and reproductive health (men will experience testosterone deficiency, women will experience perimenopause)
    -Skin problems
    -Changes in vision and hearing loss
    -Digestive problems
    -Physical exam, comprehensive eye exam, blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, diabetes screening, baseline skin exam, and cancer screening