The First Week, Health Triangle.
Something i wanted to fix was how many sweets i eat, So i reduced the amount i was buying. -
Week Two, Overall Health
I Planned to start walking more and eating a little less, Or eat more vegetables. I ended up doing one of the two i now eat more vegetables than i did before... -
Week Three, Stressful events
Instead of explaining what happened ill just say, That to deal with the stress i excercised, alot and sleept. Its alot easier to explain this way. The Stress seemed to put me in an extremly bad mood, i wouldnt put up with anyone. -
Week five, Best Friends with Drinks
Bad things will happen. 1 Brain Damage, 2 Alcohol Poisoning, 3 Dulled Memory and 4 Liver/Kidney Problems. -
A loss.
They... I feel sad, and angry after she... Is it really my fault? -
Week, uh...; Family Issues
Theres a high chance Icould get very sick, very fast. So I started to eat better. Now I'm at a lower risk of getting Chronic Heart disease, Stroke, Heart attacks, and Liver failure. -
Smoke Again
At this rate my uncle will have Lung Damage, Higher risk of Lung cancer, and the Destruction of certain cells will begin to occur if he keeps smoking -
He drank again.
I managed to take his keys away, i told him i'd drive; but its not exactly the safest either way. I hope everything'll end up alright. -
I GOT SICK. Taking naps, Meds, and good old chicken soup, Ill get better in no time! But i should wash my hands more, and avoid sick people, not to mention that some guy didnt cover his mouth when he was coughing on the train. -
What the Heck is Puberty?
Its Puberty, you're gonna have to grow up and be more responsible now. More chores. taxes. Marriage. and much more. BUT HEY YOU CAN THINK LIKE AN ACTUAL PERSON NOW, or you should at least start soon. If not im afraid you wont get very far in life. -
I pledge to be abstinent
Just, avoid it. Its simple. Find a Hobby, wait till your older things like that. DO NOT HAVE SEX. YOULL GET PREGNANT AND DIE. But yeah Having sex can ruin your life if you're not careful and if you just go and do it willy nilly, since serveral million people in the world have STD's its not the best thing to do untill your ready to accept the possible consequences. or at least thats what my told me. She also told me not to do stupid things