Social Security Act 1935
President Roosevelt signed social security act into existence. This law was meant to help give income to those in need who could not work due to ailments or hardships.
Photo Cred: Social Security Administration. (1935). United States. "Fifty Years Ago." Retrieved from https://www.ssa.gov/history/50ed.html -
Wagner National Health Care Act
Proposed national/federal health care program. This proposal was not passed.
photo cred: . Senator Robert F. Wagner (n.d.). Wagner National Health Act of 1939. Retrieved from http://76478895.weebly.com/wagner-bills.html -
Employers providing health insurance
Employers start providing health care benefits around WWII.
photo cred: Blue Cross Blue Shield. (1929). How Healthcare History Shapes What Lies Ahead. Retrieved from https://tincture.io/how-healthcare-history-shapes-what-lies-ahead-c49934073c6d -
Truman Proposes National Healthcare
National health care coverage proposal. This was not accepted or or signed. This proposal was deemed too "socialist" like for the United States.
photo cred: Wilson, A. (2020). National Health System. Retrieved from https://webpostingpro.com/national-health-system/ -
Medicare Medicaid Act Signed
Health care for the elderly. After this act was signed, those 65 and older could receive affordable healthcare. Many of those in the elderly population still use these benefits to this day.
photo cred; Anderson, S. (2019). A Brief History of Medicare in America. Retrieved from https://www.medicareresources.org/basic-medicare-information/brief-history-of-medicare/ -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Civil rights law passed to protect and provide accommodations for those with disabilities. This includes safety from job discrimination, proper access to health care and public facilities to name a few. photo cred:
Bennett, A. (2016). ADA Was Designed As A Civil Rights Law. Retrieved from https://chesterspirit.com/2016/07/ada-was-designed-as-a-civil-rights-law/ -
State Children's Health Insurance Program Approved
Congress approved state health insurance for children from low income families, who could not receive extensive medicaid coverage. Photo Cred:
S Chip. (1997). State Children's Health Insurance Program Established. Retrieved from https://www.mchoralhealth.org/milestones/1997.html -
Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)
Obama signed this act in March of 2010. This act created many affordable health care options for all. There was also a fine put in place that forced many to want to sign up.
Photo Cred:
U.S. Pres. Barack Obama signing into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2010. Mandel Ngan-- AFP/Getty Images.
Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Patient-Protection-and-Affordable-Care-Act