Health by the Ages

  • 20's

    People in their twenty's are usually at their physical and health peak. The twenties is a good place to start preventing disease and other health risk that could impact them in an older age.
    It is most important to stay physically, mentally and sexually healthy in your twenties. make sure to have daily activity, healthy diet, and stay away form things like smoking and other dangerous activities.
  • 30's

    As you get older your schedule becomesoe more compact and have a harder time to squeeze time for maintaining your health. some healthy tips would be to not drink excessivly for your physical and mental health, don't smoke, maintain a healthy BMI and get enough sleep. you wont be as heathy like you were in your twenties, because of aging, but you should still try and keep a healthy lifestyle.
  • 40's

    As you age you become more at risk to many different health issues. if you haven't already started a healthy lifestyle NOW is the time to do so. You are prone to many chronic illnesses such as arthritis, heart attack, skin cancer, and loss in hearing and vision. It is important to maintain that healthy lifestyle you had in your twenties and thirties but if you haven't started its not to late.
  • 50's

    Your fifties are a challenging time. everything is changing. People you love are going away and growing up, social and work life has its ups and downs. But despite everything that is changing you shouldn't. it is good to stay healthy even though you will probably have some sort of issue. in your fifties it is especially important to maintain mental health as well as physical. as you get older you are prone to just as much mental illness as you are physical. You should always have a healthy life.
  • 60's

    when you reach 60 things seem to be going down hill. You start relying on others, health declines, retirement, and issues other than health can worsen. in your 60's there are much more health factors and that means doing more to just stay healthy. You are prone to about every disease now and should cautious steps to make sure you are healthiest you can be.