health by decades

  • Period: to

    30 years

    By making good decisions in your lifestyle in your 30s, can help reduce the risks of chronic health problems. At this age you need to, maintain your weight, metabolism slows down at this age, so its important to maintain your weight to reduce the risks for chronic conditions. Make a good diet and an exercise routine, by doing this you make yourself feel better, but also reducing risks for chronic diseases. to prevent health problems don't smoke, protect your skin from the sun, monitor your BMI.
  • Period: to

    40 years

    This decade is importan to prevent health problems such as diabetes and cancer, for later in life. To reduce chronic pain take steps to reduce the risk of health problems caused by wear and tear. To reduce stress, eat right, get exercise, and enjoy the things you do. Try to monitor BP, Cholesterol, to reduce health problems in the future. Take care of your mental health, you want to enjoy your life. Some health recommendations include, physical exam, dental exam and cleaning, BP and screening.
  • Period: to

    50 years

    Risks of chronic disease increase with age, but with smart lifestyle choices you can do to reduce the risks. By this time you have to accept the fact your not the same person you used to be, physically and mentally. To improve your health after 50, eat healthy, stay active, and maintain a healthy weight this way you can both reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but also be happier of who you are. Everything that was recommended when you were 40 you should do the same.
  • Period: to

    60 years

    This age is when physical and mental health decline, This age is very important to take care of your self if you haven't. Increase in health problems, such a prostate cancer and arthritis, so try to learn the warning signs, talk to a doctor, and follow up with your health care provider. To improve your health in your 60s you should, maintain a healthy weigh, exercise regularly, and eat healthy, this would provide, energy, reduce risks of chronic diseases, and makes you feel good.
  • Period: to

    20 years

    Enjoy these years, you are at your physical peak. Eat a healthy diet to reduce future diseases from coming on in your future life. Don't smoke, could cause health problems in the future. Get enough sleep, will help you keep your health at its best. Try to do weight bearing exercises to reduce osteoporosis later in life. protect your skin and eyes from the suns damaging effects. to keep your self at your best, get a medical check up every 2 years, have a dental cleaning every 6 to 12 months.