typical visit to my doctor including height weight, blood pressure, check in discussion about sex, diet, substance abuse every 5 years
-maintaining enough sleep
-proper diet
-correct amount of exercise
-protecting from the sun
-prenatal care
-protecting skin and eyes from the sun
-careful in motor vehicle accidents -
typical visit to my doctor including height weight, blood pressure, check in discussion about sex, diet, substance abuse every 5 years
-this is the decade in which I will most likely be having children, I'll need to be careful and be exercising and eating correctly
-I'll also have a job so I'll need to make sure I'm relaxing
-this is an age backpain begins to onset
-take care of your skin -
typical visit to my doctor including height weight, blood pressure, check in discussion about sex, diet, substance abuse every 2-3 years
-because I'm aging I need to be going in for regular check ups more often
-anxiety and depression
-checking blood pressure and cholestoral
-correct weight and BMI
-correct dental health
-eye exams
-diabetes checking
-this was the age they found breast cancer in my mother so I'll need to be aware and getting checked often -
typical visit to my doctor including height weight, blood pressure, check in discussion about sex, diet, substance abuse every 2-3 years
-staying active
-maintain a healthy weight
-do not smoke or use tobacco products
-get enough sleep
-hair loss
-heart disease
-menopause -
typical visit to my doctor including height weight, blood pressure, check in discussion about sex, diet, substance abuse every 1-2 years
-quit smoking
-protect your heart
-maintain a healthy weight
-be aware of signs for a stroke
-eat healthy and correct portions
-pap test, pelvic esam
-bone density tests