
Health Plan

  • Always remain active and play sports

    Always remain active and play sports
  • Period: to

    Age 20-30

    -detailed or comprehensive physical exam every 5 years
    -Watch what I moderately, just make sure to include good foods and not a lot of junk
    - Play tons of sports, high energy and calorie diet
    -Attempt to get 8 hours of sleep, 7-9 is recommended
    -Remain active in church activity for spiritual needs
  • Stay in Sports throughout College to aid grades

    Stay in Sports throughout College to aid grades
  • Period: to

    Age 30-40

    -detailed or comprehensive physical exam every 3 years
    -Watch sodium, fat, and sugar intake and other common things that cause heart problems (family history of heart disease)
    -Still play tons of sports, also get used to gym workouts
    -Sleep more because no baby children, 7 is recommended
    -Remain active in church to avoid midlife crisis
  • Remain Active in Religion

    Remain Active in Religion
    Religious people are more happy and can avoid midlife crisis
  • Period: to

    Age 40-50

    -detailed or comprehensive physical exam every 2 years
    -Watch what I eat for most meals, still allowed to eat junk on occasions
    -Play sports but stay working out in gym, transfer away from sports to traditional work out (easier for elder person)
    -Sleep even though work it hard
    -Very active in church again to keep moral high and a sense of purpose,
  • Period: to

    Age 50-60

    -detailed or comprehensive physical exam every year
    -Start watching diet on all occasions, increase fiber intake. Cut off unimportant snacking and sugars
    -Start getting into low stress sports, golf tennis
    -Sleep at least 10 hours a day
    -Concentrate on important things in life, church, family
  • Period: to

    Age 60-70

    -detailed or comprehensive physical exam every year
    - Watch diet carefully, increased fiber intake, keep it around 1,600 calories
    -stay active, go on walks and hikes, low impact sports
    -Recommended sleep is 7 hours
    -Church remains a constant