
  • In my twenties

    Will be eating a lot of fish, red meat, and dairy because of me having to maintain calcium, protein, and omega 3 fat levels. exercise needs to be maintained everyday with at least thirty minutes worth. I will also have a meeting with my family and doctors to learn of any chronic illness. Financially, i will create a budget that will go a long way and will also have to realize i cannot have everything.
  • in my thirties

    In my thirties i will maintain a healthy diet because my metabolism will slow down significantly and will give myself for me time because stress increases greatly during the thirties. Like always, moderate drinking and no smoking will always beneficially help.I will have most likely found a spouse at this age so it will be very important that i have a meeting with my doctor on sexual reproduction. Building muscle will also be of high concern due to the body replacing muscle with fat at this age.
  • In my Forties

    In my forties, maintaining my health is as important as it ever should be. Anxiety along with feeling less motivation are common, so properly enhancing myself with vitamins and having healthy habits are key.Bone mass and blood pressure become extremely important to keep track of also, so I will talk with my doctor about it.
  • In my Fifties

    Wow I've made it to my fifties. What I need to consider is my food intake because of the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases. Eating low sodium and low fat foods will be beneficial to me because of my slowing metabolic rate. Lowering my stress levels will also be good for me due to the fact that chronic stress will lead to increase chance of heart attack and other serious health conditions.
  • In my Sixties

    If I've made it this far, I've rewarded myself with good because of my health habits from the previous decades. For me now, I just have to not worry about falling and will now have to stick with eating less processed food along with having many doctor checkups for various reasons.