Gaining Weight
The reason why I am gaining weight is because I stay in my room playing video games all the time, never go out to play. -
I will take all my video games out of my room and will go out to play outside for atleast an hour. -
The death of my father affected me because, while I was trying to lose weight my father died. So I was stress and sad when this happended. Even tho this was happening I was trying to eat healthy. -
Puberty begins
Puberty starts and my mental and emotions change. I realize that my frontal cortex changes and my amygdala. -
Starts Drinking
So I find out my best friend starts drinking alcohol on weekends. I think to my self all negative consequences that drinking cause to body. Example: over time he can get a fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, irritation of digestive lining, and alcohol hepatitis. -
Significant loss
Later I find out my mther has died. I totally changed everything in my life since my mother died. My character, my mood, my whole life changed. So now I had to move in with my aunt and her family. -
Later on I find out cancer runs through my family. So I think of everything I can do so it won't get to me. So I start each day by eating a healthy breakfast daily, I am active for more than an hour, I don't smoke or using other tobacco products, and abstain from the use of alcohol and other drugs that can make me get the disease that I can have a chance of getting. -
Aunt and Uncle start smoking
So I see my aunt and uncle smoking tobacco products and I tell them some negative consequences for smoking tobacco. I first tell them that tar damages a smoker's respiratory system by damaging the lung tissue, I also tell them that heart and respiration rate increases and that taste buds are dulled. But they ignore me and stil manage to keep doing it so I get worried. -
Taking keys
12:00 am and people still partying, So my friend who is younger than me is drunk and wants to drive drunk. I say no because drunk driving is illegal. So I tell him that it can damage her reputation, and can limit college and employment option by being stooped for drunk driving. So I take the keys and drive for her since I am older and not drunk. -
Home sick with flu
Now I am homesick and with the flu. Symptoms: High fever, fatigue, headache, muscle ache, and coughing. Some of the treatments for all of this is to have proper nutrition, rest, have lots of fluids. I will do all these three things next year to prevent the flu and all its symptoms -
Avoiding dating someonewho is sexually active or who pressures you to go beyond your limits can totally change your life. Be clear about your decision to practice abstinence, and discuss it with other who are close to you, This will surely help you. Lastly, use words and body language to resist the pressure to engagein sexual activity.