220px bataille de fleurus 1794

Hayden Johnson's French Revolution

  • The People Rise Up

    The People Rise Up
    This is where the people have had enough, and finally start running through the streets and ransacking Bakers, And then there next target was the King.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The French Revolution was about the Third Estate not getting enough attention, or the First and Second Estate not being fair to the Third Estate with high food prices and people getting angry, this starts The French Revolution
  • The Guillotined King

    The Guillotined King
    People only knew one person was in charge of this doing, and only one shall pay. King Louis XVI was put on a "House Arrest" then later Guillotined almost in the middle of the whole Revolution. People then realized how much power they had, or though they had. Until they
  • When War Goes Overboard

    When War Goes Overboard
    War and Power is taken too seriously, they soon declare war over Prussia, Austria, and Britain. They are thinking we will win, while in the long run they are trampled in defeat and later, decided to go back to the almost way they were.
  • Napoleon Saves Us!

    Napoleon Saves Us!
    Napoleon Bonaparte comes to the rescue of the French and wins so many Battles. He is even made, General, then Emperor for life. This is a new life (almost) for the French. But of course with all this power, comes some disappointments.
  • The End?

    The End?
    When Napoleon tries to conquer Russian, He fails... BIG TIME. Going into a Russian Winter with 600,000 troops, and only coming back with 20,000 troops, people were a little mad and sad. So they exiled Napoleon twice. And on his second exile he was poisoned(if anything). And thus ends the Revolution. But there are still 5 Frozen Years of what the People of France will do.
  • The End.

    The End.
    The End of the Revolution has come after 5 Years and in 1820 people have finally come to the conclusion and another Louis is on the Throne, but at least the walked away with some rules they wanted still intact.