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Hawaii volcanoes timeline

  • 2000 BCE

    The creation of the volcanoes

    The creation of the volcanoes
    Magma rises from the surface of the ocean floor, creating a little hill that will later be a great volcano
  • The rode to fame

    The rode to fame
    in 1906, Lorrin Thurston began a campaign to make this amazing area into a public park. later he would be the one who would make the park so important.
  • The volcano becomes a national park

    The volcano becomes a national park
    August 1st, president Woodrow Wilson signed the hawaii volcanoes into existence.
  • more volcanoes please

    more volcanoes please
    In 1961, Haleakala was made a separate national park. Today, Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park protects 520 square miles of the island's volcanic wonders and is a refuge for surviving native plants and animals.