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Harriet Ross Tubman

  • A Slave is Born

    A Slave is Born
    1820 Harriet Ross Tubman is born a slave, in Maryland. People Do not know the exact date when Harriet was born because she is a slave. All we know is that she was born in 1820.
  • Chores as a slave

    Chores as a slave
    Harriet was about 5 years old when she started being a: Nurse, Taking care of the farm, and taking care of the baby.
  • The baby awakens

    The baby awakens
    One stormy night Harriet stayed up all night and Miss Lisa was sleeping soundly. Miss Lisa is the owner of Harriet and the salvation. The baby that Harriet was taking care of cried because of the loud thunder and lightning. They were both outside getting soaked from the rain. Miss Lisa woke up, got her whip, then went outside and wiped Harriet.When Harriet was only 5 years old.
  • John Tubman

    John Tubman
    In 1844, Harriet Tubman married a slave John Tubman. Harriet did not have the choice to marry John Tubman But it was Miss Lisa's Choice.
  • The plan

    The plan
    Harriet soon got Sick and tired of getting beat and having to do work non stop. She went to the other slaves and told them," I want to try and escape." "Now, who is with me?"
  • The escape

    The escape
    In 1844 Harriet Tubman got sick of being beat and wiped, and doing other peoples work.She told other slaves, "We have to try and escape" So she awoke other slaves and brought them to the underground railroad and followed the North Star.It was not easy but they had escaped. But the owner was looking for the slaves and set a reward for anyone who found Harriet Ross Tubman.
  • As a free Woman

    As a free Woman
    Harriet Ross Tubman was now a free Person. She lived with a family that she new on the plantation as a slave. Harriet Prayed every night and day, because she was always thankful for escaping that awful place.
  • Harriet's Death

    Harriet's Death
    1913 Harriet Ross Tubman died. Harriet died of Pneumonia which is a "Infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fill with fluid" .Harriet lived a Proud, never giving up person, leader life.She lived until she was 93.